It is no secret that our nation is in serious trouble. We see the testimony of this all around us; every day on the news is another protest … another act of violence … another controversy.
Everything that was once wrong and condemned is now right and celebrated. Everything that was right is now wrong and publicly denounced.
We kneel in protest of a song and a flag for which men died that we might have that right. Yet, we stand in arrogance refusing to kneel in homage to the King of Kings. We have scoffed at public prayer and any outward show of faith. And then we wonder why God allows all these terrible things to happen.
Cotton and historical images offend us when we should be learning from our own mistakes. We want to be offended. We want to feel we are being discriminated against. … We want a reason to behave violently and hatefully. Yet, we are not offended when God’s laws are disparaged against.
We go against God and boldly display lewd and riotous behavior.
Do we not realize God is not blind nor deaf? Do we not know a day is coming when we all will stand before the throne of God and be judged? … No, we are offended at the idea of being judged. We have no fear. We want to do whatever we want without any consequence.
And in all this mess, we, as Christians, remain silent. Where are the voices that were not afraid to proclaim the gospel? Where is that strength of spirit that led our ancestors to a new land that we may worship freely? Where is the commitment that led to a revolution to free ourselves of tyranny? We have gone from a nation of followers of Christ: thankful, and free to a nation divided – a nation of violence, conceitedness, proud and vulgar. We are a nation of the offended.