I thought I could do it; I mean I was pretty good with computer stuff. So, I attempted to ‘fix’ things myself. I had been able to do it before. However, this time, I wiped off all of my programs. Uh oh. Now I have to wait for the real computer guys to attempt to not only repair my computer but repair my mistake. What could’ve been done in a matter of minutes is now taking days.
Isn’t that the way we treat God sometimes. We pray about something but don’t take time to listen for His answer. We are swayed in a direction due to circumstance or emotions at the time and go off in a direction God never intended for us to take. We pray for Him to repair a situation, but then go try to repair it ourselves because we are inpatient and think we can do it just as well.
We need God’s guidance every day of our lives no matter the situation – big or small. But so many times we don’t wait for His lead. And then we end up with a much larger problem which takes much longer to correct and miss out on blessings God had in store for us.
The next time you pray for direction or what to do in a situation, make sure you look to the Professional to guide you and not do it yourself.