Have to write what the Lord impresses me to write. Did you get to be in church on Sunday to worship the Lord? How He blesses us all is so amazing. Always is He by our side and knows what we are going through. All we have to do is ask Him to help us with whatever problem we have that we can’t solve on our own. We, of course, should do what we can on our part to take care of it. Never hold on to the problem just let it go as God knows what to do about it in His time. Until I accepted Jesus, I didn’t know about this One that loved me so unconditionally. If I mess up and sin, He doesn’t condemn me as the world does, He only picks me up and forgives me, when I need that forgiveness of what I did wrong. No other friend like Him you will ever know in this life. As my Sunday school pamphlet read this past Sunday: What Is Your Life? It is even a vapour that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. (James 4:146). Use the time in between the vapour and the vanishing of that vapour to uplift Jesus and let other know just how simple it is to have Him in their life. I would only hope those that do not know Jesus to ask Him to forgive you of your sins and that you want too truly live all your days serving Him and only Him. If you are sincere, you will know so quickly you are saved. Every sin in your life has been wiped off that slate and never brought up again. There is a gospel song that is out now about not throwing rocks on people, because one just might come back and hit you. Those that condemn others usually have a closet or closets of sin no one knows about, but God knows every detail of your life. Feeling the need to hurt others (which is not Christian) I believe, shows the insecurity of that person and how they are wrapped up in the sin of their own life. Watch what you say and do. God is watching and listening to your every word and deed you do unto others, and thus you will be judged accordingly. Our life here is like a testing ground for us to be found worthy of heaven and being with Jesus someday. That day is probably very close at hand for Jesus’s coming back I feel. Don’t get caught off guard when that day arrives, because heaven you will never enjoy, if you’re not ready by not accepting Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, as your Lord and personal Savior.
Keep in prayer: Denise Stanton, Carlon and Mai Nell Melton, and Charlie Mai Daniel.
If you have news for the column, just give me a call at 615-563-4429.
In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God. Philippians 4:6