I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weekend. I know some of you went to the Watertown yard sale. It was good weather for it. I hope you wore some sunscreen.
As spring has sprung, there will be more activities you can attend or do. All the yards are pretty and green. So many flowers blooming. My peonies are budding now. Peonies are my very favorite flower they just don’t last long enough for me.
I was reading an article about the plants mosquitoes hate. With the rise of mosquitoes and their diseases it could not hurt to put a few of these plants on your patio or backyard. The ones they really hate are Lemon Thyme, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Lemon Grass, Marigolds, Rosemary, Catnip, Basil and garlic. I am going to try some of these. It can’t hurt, and they are also pretty.
I enjoyed going to Cookeville and with Lindsy and Charlee Winfree on Saturday. We also had a cookout with the family on Sunday after church.
Billy and Stephanie Tiner went to Florida for a few days to attend a wedding. They had a great time while they were visiting with family and friends. Glad they had a safe trip.
New Home Baptist Church had a good crowd this Sunday. Everyone enjoyed the preaching from Bro. Bobby. He preached from Lev. 22-18.
The Jamboree pageants are officially accepting applications. The contests will be held June 25 at the DeKalb Community Complex. There is a pageant for all ages one day through 20 years. Applications are available on the Smithville BPW Facebook page, at the Smithville Review office and local banks. Get those kids signed up!
Speaking of contests, have you taken a look at the Fair’s Facebook page and web site? There is a new Lip Sync Battle that will be held this year where someone will win $250, $150 and $50 cash. If you watch the TV show "Lip Sync Battle" you already know how funny it is. If you haven’t seen it, look it up on YouTube. I guarantee you will get a laugh out of it. And do you know what is even better? There is no entry fee! The application can be downloaded from the fair’s website at www.dekalbcountyfairtn.com or picked up at the Review office.
"Jesus said unto him. Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all they soul, and with all thy mind." (Matthew: 22-37)