Spring must really be here with the redbuds and dogwoods blooming.
I presented The Legend of the Dogwood at church last Sunday during the children’s message and gave each child a dogwood blossom.
I enjoyed another birthday last week. My family gathered for ice cream and cake. I received several nice gifts. I also received birthday cards and several phone calls.
Sympathy to the family of T.M. Hooper whose funeral was Monday. He was a great gentleman, always smiling and a very good person. He will be missed in many circles as well as church.
Also sympathy to Lena Rhody and family at the death of her daughter, Linda Henson. Also to the family of Dorothy Caplinger.
Get-well wishes to Jerry Williams, HiIda Meyers, Jean Meyers, Laird Barnard, David Bratcher, Charles Fann, and Charmaine Mitchell.
First Methodist was a busy place last weekend when they hosted the Lay Ministry School. Around 50 from the Cookeville District attended.
Gail Bishop’s daughter, Deborah Mistlethwaithe has taken a position as front desk receptionist at the resort marina at Lake Powell, Arizona On her trip out there, she stopped to visit her sister, Wendy Bishop Doer and husband, James, outside Amarillo.
There will be a fantastic yard sale at First Methodist at their Fellowship Building on Church Street from 8-4 p.m. Friday. Come by!
Have you noticed that gas has gone up around five cents a gallon? Yeah, just in time for vacation travel!
If you have family news, birthday gatherings, etc. give me a call (615-653-1737). Thanks.
Thought of the Week: "Only life lived for others is worth living." Albert Einstein.