There was once a man who travelled far and wide. Although he travelled extensively and constantly, he only carried one bag with him, which he kept within his reach at all times. This bag did not contain any worldly treasure. It merely contained mementos of his life which the Traveler could not bear to part with.
Each time the Traveler arrived at the airport, a kindly, soft-spoken Baggage Handler would ask, "Sir, may I take your bag for you?" Each time the Traveler would hastily rebuff the kind Baggage Handler. He simply could not relinquish control of his precious baggage.
As the years passed, the Traveler became weary with his self-imposed burden. Still, he held on to the bag ever more stubbornly. After all, the bag contained his life – who better than he could control it?
One day, as the Traveler set off once again on a journey, his shoulder sagged from the heavy weight of the bag. Not only was he physically worn, the Traveler was soul weary as well. He did not want to carry the bag any more, yet the Traveler didn’t know how to let it go, either.
While the Traveler pondered his dilemma, the kind Baggage Handler approached once more. He could see the Traveler was worn and tired from his burden. With eyes full of compassion, he asked the Traveler, "Sir, may I take your baggage for you?"
The Traveler looked into those gentle eyes and found his own filling with tears. Brokenly, he replied, "I’ve carried this bag for many years. Yet, I find I can carry it no longer. This bag contains all my memories, both good and bad." As the Traveler reluctantly passed the bag to the Baggage Handler, he added, "I’m trusting you with my life." As the Traveler relinquished control of his precious bag, he felt a peace and freedom he had never felt before. He remarked to the Baggage Handler rather embarrassedly, "I’m sorry it’s so heavy."
The Baggage Handler replied softly, "Don’t worry. I have carried much heavier burdens than this. Trust in me."
The Traveler then knew in his heart he need not have carried the baggage of his life all these long years. All he had to do was trust the Baggage Handler.
"Take My yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matt 11:29-30
We all carry baggage around with us through our life. That baggage can weigh us down until we, like the Traveler, can no longer carry the burden. All we have to do is let the Baggage Handler (Jesus) carry it for us.
What kind of baggage are you refusing to let go to the One able to carry it?