Angel Tree Registration
Registration for this year’s Angel Tree is one day only on Thursday, November, 7, 2024. There are NO EXCEPTIONS. Application time is from 9:00 am - 6:00 pm at the First Baptist Church Life Enrichment Center under the carport. Applicants must be DeKalb County residents. Children from birth to no older than age 12 by December 25, 2024 are eligible. You must bring photo identification and a bill with the correct current DeKalb County address of the person applying. You must also provide social security cards and birth certificates (Mother’s copy is okay) for all children listed on the application. Guardian paperwork for temporarily placed children is acceptable. Documents are returned to the applicant, only the application is kept. Please make sure you fill out the application as completely and accurately as possible. If an applicant cannot appear in person, their application can be submitted by someone else as long as all of the required information and documentation is presented. Come prepared with all of the necessary documentation to complete your application between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm on Thursday, November 7th. This is the only day that applications will be available and accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS. For additional information please contact Laura Stone (text only please) at 615-464-7135. Do not contact the church, we are only using their facility. Remember you only have Thursday, November 7th to complete and turn in your application.
Last Minute Toy Shop Registration
Pre-registration for the 2024 Last Minute Toy Shop will be held December 3 thru 6 from 4-7pm. In the cafeteria of the DeKalb County Complex. You must provide ID, proof of residency, why help is needed and birth certificates for each child. Children of DeKalb County ages birth thru 18 and still in school are eligible. You will be given an appointment for shopping day which will be held on December 14, 2024. For more information, follow the Last Minute Toy Shop on Facebook or visit the website at
The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency will hold a commodities distribution for DeKalb County on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024 at the DeKalb County UCHRA office. Sign-up will be available at the distribution center. The UCHRA does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, color, national origin, religion or disability in admission to, or operations of its programs, services or activities.
Story Time at the Library
Justin Potter Library will host a Story Time on Friday, October 25, 2024 at 10am. They will have a fun morning of stories and a goody bag for the children who attend. Please contact the library at 615-597-4359, Facebook Instagram or for more information.
Parkerson’s Support Group
The Parkinson’s support group will have their next meeting on November 12, 2024. Please note the change which is due to Caney Fork Baptist Church being a polling place. Our speaker will be Rock Steady Boxing Coach Todd Godwin. We will then have breakout sessions. Call Laura at (941)319-0309 with any questions.
Drug Takeback Day
The DeKalb Prevention Coalition announces DEA National Drug Takeback Day as Saturday, October 26 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Locations where you can bring your outdated and unused prescriptions are Smithville City Hall, 104 East Main Street, Smithville and Alexandria Family Care, 400 E. Public Square, Alexandria.
Skywarn is Back
In-person class with the National Weather Service will be held in DeKalb County on Oct. 30. The free class begins at 6:30 p.m. visit for more information.
DeKalb Smithville Chapter #374
Friendship Fun Night at Liberty Community Center, Saturday, November 16, 2024 at 5pm. Bingo, cards, prizes, chili, soups, hotdogs and desserts$10 per person. Children six and under is free.
FCE Meetings
The FCE will be meeting the 2nd Tuesday of each month. The meeting will be held at 10 a.m. at the DeKalb County Complex in the Motlow Conference room. Everyone is invited to attend.
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-800-275-8233. A support group meeting will be held for relatives caring for relative children during the month. Please contact Melissa Allison at 931-476-4127. If you are interested in attending this meeting. For housing assistance, while caring for a minor child, please contact Myra Walker.
Evans Family
Unfortunately, I’m not going to be able to have Evans Family Reunion this year. If anyone is able and interested in taking it over, give me (Rita) a call 615-464-7412.
DeKalb County Schools
The 2024-25 DeKalb County School Calendar is as follows:
DeKalb County students and teachers will have a full week off for fall break October 14-18, Thanksgiving November 25-29, and spring break March 24-28, and a two-week winter break for Christmas December 23 to January 3. December 20 will be an abbreviated day (7:45 a.m.-9:15 a.m.). Students will return to school after the Christmas holiday on January 6, 2025. Schools will also be closed for Labor Day September 2, Dr. Martin Luther King Day January 20, President’s Day February 17, Good Friday. April 18, and Monday, April 21. The last day of school will be May 23, 2025 (abbreviated 7:45 a.m.-9:15 a.m.). May 22 will be an administrative day.
Report cards will be issued at all schools on October 8, December 20, January 9, March 18, and May 23.
Parent teacher conferences will be held at all schools from 3-6 p.m. on October 10 and March 20.
Veterans Service Officer Ready To Assist
Are you a veteran in need of assistance? DeKalb County has a Veteran’s Service Officer ready to help you, not only with filing claims, but for conversations about your service. Officer Erica Degni is located on the first floor of the DeKalb County Courthouse and is ready to offer assistance. She is available for in-office visits each Tuesday and Thursday or can be reached by calling 615-597-3003. DeKalb County appreciates the service of all veterans and is proud to provide this
L.B.J.& C. Head Start is currently accepting applications to provide free comprehensive child development services to children 3-5 years of age for all children including children with disabilities in a full day program. School Readiness and the well-being of children is the primary goal at L.B.J.&C. Head Start.
L.B.J.&C. Head Start also focuses on family well-being. Head Start assists families in obtaining their GED, furthering education, seeking employment, obtain affordable housing, and much more.
Let L.B.J.&C. Head Start provide your family with the head start you need to succeed!
For more information contact: Smithville Head Start Center at 615-549-5595