Connecting to Christ During COVID-19 Crisis
Bill Conger
During this unprecedented time in the country, people are experiencing a range of emotions from frustrations to fear as they struggle to live with the COVID-19 pandemic. Physical and mental health care workers have provided advice on how to cope, but many people are also looking for spiritual answers. This week we begin a new series where we talk with area ministers, starting with Chad Ramsey from Smithville First Baptist Church.
Bill Conger: What effect have you seen this pandemic have on people either in general or members of the church?
Chad Ramsey: I have seen a variety of emotions and responses from our church members. It has ranged from people wanting to crawl up in a bunker with a pallet of Lysol disinfectant spray to people who are upset that everything is shutting down. The same is true with people outside of the church. Most people just don’t know what to do. They want to be safe and smart, but they are worried about paying bills and surviving day to day. Many people are searching for answers about COVID-19, and they don’t know who to trust or what information is accurate. Right now I would say most people are staying relatively calm, but it is still early. I would expect the longer this virus stays around the more restless people will become.
Conger: This is a period of
uncertainty for a lot of people, and many people have a lot of worry and
stress. What does the Bible say about what people should do when experiencing
these trials?
Ramsey: The main question I have received from people during this time is what does the Bible say about everything that is happening. The Bible does not actually talk about disease like this in the form of prophecy. However, the Bible does make it clear that we are to only fear God and God alone (Luke 12:5). At the same time scripture tells to have a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). We must not live in fear, but we must also make wise choices.
Conger: What can be said to people who focus their hurt and anger on God for this issue?
Ramsey: That is a great question. There have been diseases and plagues in this world throughout history. The first thing I would tell these people is God is big enough to handle all your concerns and complaints. At the same time when we read the book of Job we see God responding to Job’s complaints. God will listen to you. God wants us to realize this world is not the end. We have to come to terms that this life is just a flash in eternity. Our focus must be to develop our relationship with God. God wants us to be intimate with Him. He also wants us to understand He has everything under control. God will listen to our complaints, but just as He told Job He has everything under control. The only thing we can control is our own personal relationship with God. I would let people know it is alright to feel upset or hurt because of what is going on right now. I would also let them know the safest place they can be is in the loving hands of God. We all need to surrender control (we never really had it anyways) and give everything over to God. God must truly be our Lord (Master) and Savior.
Conger: In addition to the power of prayer, what pastoral advice to you have for people dealing with the social isolation and the inability to fellowship at church during this time?
Ramsey: Human beings were created to be in relationship with others. Genesis 2:18 says the Lord said it is not good for man to be alone. We have to understand that isolation can be harmful to spiritual well-being. Therefore, I would encourage people to call their family and friends. Don’t forget to talk to reach out to family members who you know are by themselves or are not connected to social media. Reconnect with friends you have not talked to in a while. Share your stories with your families and friends. Use technology such as facetime and skype so that you can actually see your friends and family as you talk to them. Communication is key.
Conger: Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Ramsey: I would encourage people to use this time of isolation and quarantine to reconnect to God. Spend time in conversation with God. Many times we ask God for help and aid which is so important. However many times we fail to listen to God. What I mean by this is we usually do all the talking when it comes to prayer. Reconnect to God by taking time to spend in God’s presence. Open up your heart and let God speak to you. Maybe you just need to ask God to surround you with His presence. Let God give you a hug. It might be the only social interaction you will get for the day, but it is also the most important social interaction you can get.
Do you have a question for an upcoming minister? If so, please email it to
Services at Smithville First Baptist Church can be seen at or on Facebook at Drive-in services will start on Easter at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. in the church parking lot.