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DCHS Students, Parents, and Staff of the Month
DCHS Awards
DCHS_Awards_March – Pictured, from left, are Assistant DCHS Principal Thomas Cagle, DCHS office bookkeeper Jamie Cripps, Alexis Stanley, Ross Stanley, Samuel Gaspar, Assistant DCHS Principal Jenny Norris and DCHS Principal Bruce Curtis.
DCHS Awards
DCHS_Awards_April – Pictured, from left, are Assistant DCHS Principal Thomas Cagle, teacher Donna Emmons, Sara Fultz, Alyson Fultz, Emily Lattimore, Assistant DCHS Principal Jenny Norris and DCHS Principal Bruce Curtis.

DeKalb County High School recognized its students, parents and staff members of the month for March and April last Tuesday, with each recipient receiving a certificate from the school and a gift card for a meal from Twisted Oaks. A different restaurant offers a meal gift card to each month’s honorees.

Assistant DCHS Principal Thomas Cagle announced Samuel Gaspar as Student of the Month for March. “Samuel has been a vital office aide for us. He has done a lot especially as a translator and interpreter. Samuel has helped numerous new students who have come into our school acclimating them to their schedules, showing them around, and being a guide for them. He has been a great student role model for us at school. I wish I had a thousand more students that were as helpful, kind, and courtesy as this young man. Samuel is definitely a young man who has earned this award,” said Cagle.

“I feel incredible just receiving an award like this,” said Gaspar. “I really haven’t had an award like this in a while. I’m at a loss for words. I have no way to express how I feel. It’s surprising.”

Gaspar said he plans to attend McMinnville TCAT and study auto mechanics and he may later transfer to further his education and skills on that career path at Lincoln Tech in Nashville.

“I have learned a lot over the past four years. I have made a bond with a lot of the teachers and staff here,” he said.

The parent of the month for March is Ross Stanley. The award is based on a winning essay written by his daughter Alexis Stanley, a junior at DCHS.

“Alexis Stanley wrote an essay for her dad Ross. The students here at DCHS submit essays and we read through them and select one based not necessarily on the academic quality, but the substance of the essay and Alexis’s essay was one that impressed us most. We thought she did an excellent job showing us what her parents do for her day in and day out and we wanted to reward them for their efforts in helping make sure Alexis is successful,” said Principal Cagle.

“My whole family, but especially my dad, does a lot for us. My grandma can’t work so it’s really just me and my dad that are able to work. He makes sure all the time we always have what we need. He never lets us down when it comes to that,” said Alexis.

Ross Stanley, Alexis’ father said he was overwhelmed to receive this honor adding that Alexis means everything to him and that he is proud of her.

DCHS office bookkeeper Jamie Cripps was selected by the administration as Staff Member of the Month.

“Jamie really keeps this place going and all of us on track. We would be lost without her guidance, especially me being a new administrator for the last two or three years. I find it valuable to have her as part of this staff. She does a great job interacting with and being a friend to all the teachers and administrators. Jamie is very compassionate, loving, and caring and it shows in the way she relates with all of us in the office. We couldn’t be prouder to have her here at DCHS,” said Assistant Principal Cagle.

Jamie said she is thankful and humbled to have received it. She has spent her entire 17-year education career at DCHS, with the last eight years in the office as bookkeeper. In the beginning she worked in the CDC program before transitioning to the guidance office and then when dual enrollment went to an online offering, she moved to the classroom where she served for five years before taking the bookkeeper position.

For the April awards, Sara Fultz was named Parent of the Month based on an essay written by her 16-year-old freshman daughter Alyson Fultz.

“Once again students submit essays and we read through them and select one based not necessarily on the academic quality, but rather intent,” said Principal Cagle. Alyson is another good example of a student kind of painting us a picture of what their parent means to them and the things they’re doing to help keep them successful.”

“I really appreciate my mom, even if we sometimes don’t get along,” Alyson said. “I really just love my mom.” Alyson said she is into culinary arts, but she has plans to become a zoological veterinarian.

“I’m a little surprised and very grateful for my daughter sharing her sentiments,” Sara said. “She doesn’t share them a lot at home, because a 16-year-old is sometimes in their own little world, but knowing that she actually does feel that way warms my heart.”

For the April Student of the Month senior Emily Lattimore was named. “Emily is another student who has been awesome for us in being a teacher’s aide, an office aide, and helping students. We were really blessed with our office aides this year. They have done a whole lot for us, helping new students orientate and being a friendly face for them. Emily always has a smile on her face and is always very welcoming.”

“It’s amazing,” Emily said. “It’s been such a good experience in school, and I’ve been an office aide for three years. They’re always so kind up there and they don’t mind to help anybody.”

Emily is the daughter of Ronnie and Joyce Lattimore of Smithville, and said she plans to attend Motlow to study accounting.

For the Staff Member of the Month of April, Mrs. Donna Emmons was named. “Mrs. Emmons has been here and I have worked close together even when I was a teacher, and now as an administrator, she’s been invaluable to me. We worked really close together with the instructional team, helping plan PLCs and continue training teachers. You can pick a subject and Mrs. Emmons’ name is going to pop up as part of it,” said Principal Cagle.

“Mrs. Emmons is leaving us,” Cagle explained. “She’s officially retiring, so I feel like I’m losing somebody pretty close. I couldn’t have more respect for her as a professional and I’m really going to miss her,” he said.

“It’s humbling and I’m very grateful,” Emmons said. “I’m grateful to the system, and for the many years of great comradery and fellowship, and helping kids achieve their goals. I started subbing in 2000, and then I got the bug to teach. I really enjoyed my students and I still hear from many of them. That’s the most rewarding thing of all.”