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Death of mother of three remains a mystery
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Authorities are waiting on autopsy results before releasing cause of death.

Mystery still surrounds the death of a mother of three whose body was found in a backyard off Parkway Drive early last week.

The woman, Jessica Whitworth Stephens, 28 of Woodbury was found early on the morning of Nov. 12, leading to an investigation of what caused their woman’s untimely death. Thus far authorities have not revealed if foul play is suspected as they wait for the results from an autopsy and toxicology tests to make an official statement.

Lawmen were unable to initially identify her, the identification coming after a public appeal was made for information as to her identity. Her official identification came when they matched her fingerprints.

Remembered during her funeral service at Smith Funeral Home in Woodbury this past Saturday as a fun-loving person and a caring mother who enjoyed the outdoors and nature, the former certified nurse assistant was known for helping the elderly at nursing homes when she worked at a rehabilitation center in Cannon County. A 2008 graduate of Cannon County High, she is survived by three children and a host of family members from the Woodbury area.