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Jews For Jesus Missionary Avi Snyder to Share
Bill Conger


On Sunday, January 7, Alexandria First Baptist Church will host Avi Snyder from Jews for Jesus for both their morning (10 am) and evening (6 pm) services. Avi will share messages from The Word of God and give a glimpse into his ministry of sharing Jesus with Jewish people.


Most Jewish people today are aware that there are Jews who believe in Jesus and yet still maintain their Jewish identities. This awareness is largely thanks to the work of Jews for Jesus and the organization’s strategic partnerships with individuals and churches. The opportunity to share this message has only become more relevant as the landscape of Jewish life continues to become more diverse.


Under the leadership of CEO David Brickner, the organization’s footprint continues to expand globally with a significant presence in Israel. Recently, Jews for Jesus has launched initiatives to support Ukrainian refugees and to serve the homeless in Tel Aviv. Additionally, the organization has opened the first shelter in Israel for Hebrew-speaking women leaving prostitution. In the last few years, Jews for Jesus has also opened the doors of new cafes and art spaces in New York and Los Angeles.


Avi will share more on January 7. Please consider attending what promises to be a special day at Alexandria First Baptist.


Have questions? Call the church at 615-529-2674, visit and/or find us on social media.