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Judge Ridley and Knight Selected to be on Committee

Judge Ridley and Knight Selected to be on Tennessee Judicial Committees

William T. Ridley, Circuit Court Judge, Part I, and Caroline E. Knight, Circuit Court Judge, Part II, for the 13th Judicial District, have been selected as committee members on the Civil Jury Instructions Committee and the Legislative Committee. The Civil Jury Instructions Committee is responsible for writing Tennessee’s Civil Pattern Jury Instructions, which is a tool for counsel and trial judges designed to ensure juror comprehension and compliance with the law. These instructions are drafted with clear, concise language that is understandable to the average Tennessee juror. The committee provides notes citing caselaw or statutes to accompany many of the instructions.

The Legislative Committee coordinates with the judicial and legislative branch to promote justice in the most efficient way possible.

Additionally, Judge Knight serves on the Public Trust and Confidence Committee and Judge Ridley serves on the Compensation & Retirement Committee.