Tennessee will see several new laws hit the books beginning when the clock strikes twelve on New Year’s Day, the laws running from when you can buy wine on your local grocery store to hurdles women who want abortions must clear.
Wine Sales on Sunday
Retail packaging stores are already able to sell alcohol on Sunday, but retail grocery stores were not included. Starting January 1, grocery stores will be able to sell wine on Sundays between 10 a.m. and 11 p.m.
No Sanctuary Cities
A new law will prohibit local and state governmental entities from adopting 'Sanctuary City' policies. While local governments had already been regulated by the law, this bill added state government entities to the list along with law enforcement agencies and officials. Any state or local entity that adopts a sanctuary policy will be ineligible to receive state funds until the policy is rescinded.
Schools get the lead out
Under the law, each local board of education will have to develop a policy and implement a program to reduce potential sources of lead contamination in drinking water at public schools. Drinking water at school facilities built before January 1, 1998 will be forced to follow the new guidelines.
Opioid hotline
The Tennessee Department of Health will establish and maintain a public toll-free telephone line and web-based hotline for citizens to report potential opioid abuse or diversion. Also, any establishment or entity which prescribes, dispenses, or handles opioids must display a sign calling for citizens to call the hotline if they suspect abuse. Anyone who calls the hotline will be "immune from civil liability" relating to their reporting.
Schools used as polls will close Election Day
The new law requires public schools and public charter schools used as polling places for regular November election to be closed for instruction on Election Day. For elections outside of the normal November election, it will be up to law enforcement agencies to decide if the schools should close.
Ultra Sound before an abortion
The new abortion law will require women seeking an abortion in the state to get an ultrasound as part of their examination prior to the abortion. The person who performs the ultrasound will also need to offer the woman the opportunity to learn the results of the ultrasound. The women will also be told if a heartbeat is detected.