Powder Puff Football game
The DCHS Homecoming 2023 Powder Puff Football Game will be Thursday, September 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the DCHS Vanhooser Stadium. Admission is $5. Who will win the crown? Sponsored by the 2023 DCHS Football Cheerleaders.
Chili/Soup Fundraiser
The Last Minute Toy Shop is holding a chili/soup fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 9 at the DeKalb County Complex. Shopping with vendors will begin at 2 p.m. , with the chili supper beginning at 3pm. The meal cost $10 for adults, $6 for children 5-18 and free for ages four and under. The meal will consist of your choice of chili or vegetable soup, crackers, tater tots, nachos w/cheese, home-made desserts and a drink. Sit and enjoy your meal or to-go orders are available. A silent auction will be held in the auditorium, as well as, entertainment by gospel recording artist Vernon Greeson at 4 pm. All money raised goes to the Last Minute Toy Shop
Fall Fest Pageants seek entrants
The annual Fall Fest Pageants, ages birth to 48 months for boys and girls and age four to 18 year old (must not be out of school), will be held Saturday, November 4, 2023 at the DeKalb County Complex Auditorium. The first pageant will begin at 10 a.m. Entry fee is $25 with optional categories available including People’s Choice. Deadline to enter is October 27. Applications are available at the Smithville Review and on the event’s Facebook page.
Free Strength Training
Are you a 50 or older adult and want to increase your strength, flexibility and balance? The UT/TSU Extension office in DeKalb County will be holding free light weight strength training classes for 8 weeks starting Tuesday, September 19, from 9 – 10 a.m. Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the County Complex Building. April Martin with the UT/TSU Extension office will be the instructor. Space is limited. Call 615-597-4945 to register or email amartin3@utk.edu.
Judkins Reunion cancelled
The Than Judkins Family Reunion will not be held this year. Maybe next year!
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-0800-275-8233. A support group meeting will be held for relatives caring for relative children during the month. Please contact Melissa Allison at 931-476-4127. If you are interested in attending this meeting. For housing assistance, while caring for a minor child, please contact Myra Walker at 931-432-4111
Veterans Service Officer Ready to Assist
Are you a veteran in need of assistance? DeKalb County has a Veteran's Service Officer ready to help you, not only with filing claims, but for conversations about your service.
Retired military service officer Bill Rutherford is located on the first floor of the DeKalb County Courthouse and is ready to offer assistance. He is available for in-office visits each Tuesday and Thursday or can be reached by telephone at any time at 615-560-3610. DeKalb County appreciates the service of all veterans and is proud to provide this service.
Al-Anon & AA meetings
Meetings on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church 105 Edgewood Avenue, McMinnville, TN 371