Deputies made several arrests over the past couple of weeks, hauling suspects to jail for crimes ranging from domestic assault to drunk driving.
Included in recent arrests by the sheriff’s department:
Candy N. Redmon, 40, was arrested for domestic assault. She was charged after a deputy spoke to a woman who said her daughter, Redmon, grabbed her by the arm during a dispute. The grabbing caused injuries to the mother.
Jessie Ray Herman, 24, was arrested for disorderly conduct. A deputy found Herman at a wreck he was working. Herman started cussing and yelling in a threatening manner and was charged.
Noe Linares Castro, 49, of McMinnville was arrested for DUI. A patrolling deputy on Sparta Highway noticed Castro was not keeping his lane of travel. He pulled the suspect over and noticed he appeared to be under the influence. Castro claimed he had just one beer.
Jamie R. Driver, 42, was arrested for public intoxication. A deputy saw her walking on Cookeville Highway. She seemed distraught when approached by the deputy who noticed she was not wearing shoes. She appeared to be under the influence of an stimulant and placed into custody for her own safety.
Daniel A. Aguirre, 21, was charged with DUI. He was stopped by a deputy on McMinnville Highway who noticed he had crossed the center line and nearly caused a wreck. The driver smelled of alcohol and marijuana. He performed poorly on a sobriety test. He was cited for possession of marijuana.
Holly S. Woodside, 40, was charged with disorderly conduct. A deputy arrived at a wreck and witnessed her yelling at the other vehicle occupants.
Shauna Faye West, 32, was charged with public intoxication. She was found in public off Tabernacle Road under the influence. She admitted to drinking a few beers when questioned.
Donald Gene Rigsby, 57, was charged for 2nd offense DUI. His charges come after a deputy found him passed out behind the wheel of his car. He had a strong odor of alcohol, his speech was slurred and he was unsteady on his feet. He did poorly on his sobriety test. He was arrested for DUI earlier this year.
Christopher Daniel Gibbs, 41, was charged with aggravated criminal trespass and vandalism. He was charged he allegedly trespassed on property on Blue Springs Road after being warned not to go back on the property. He vandalized a lock on a door on the owner’s house by prying it open.
Eddie Jacob Maynard, 48, was charged with domestic assault. He was charged after a woman said he pulled her hair hard enough to pull it out of her head during an argument over a cellphone.
Ginger Moore, 44, was charged with illegal carrying of a weapon. She was arrested when a deputy responded to help a probation officer who found a pistol in the place she was staying. She is a convicted felon and cannot possession a firearm.
Gregory Michael Patton, 42, was charged with criminal impersonation and tampering with evidence. His arrest came after a deputy found him walking along Capshaw Road. Patton lied about his true identity when asked who he was. He was taken to jail and methamphetamine was found on his person in a cigarette case. He tried to pour the drugs out and then admitted trying to eating some of them to avoid prosecution.
Carlos Cruz Jimenez, 38, was charged with assault. A man told deputies that when he opened his door to a knock, he was punched in the face. The officer used a surveillance camera from a nearby business that captured the incident. The officer identified the vehicle that had driven up to the residence and went to talk to Jimenez. It was then he noticed blood on the suspect’s clothing. The reason for the assault was not given.
Randal Eugene Tittle, 49, was charged with resisting stop. He was arrested on Nashville Highway after a deputy told him to stop when he took off running.
Clent Lee Shehane, 33, was charged with possession of methamphetamine. He was arrested after lawmen went to Wade Street to serve a warrant. A search of the residence netted around three grams of meth.
Claire M. May, 20, was charged with possession of meth and smuggling contraband into the county jail. She was arrested when she stopped at the jail to drop off clippers for an inmate. A search of the clippers netted 10 grams of meth hidden inside.
Marco A. Grandos, 25, was charged with DUI. He was arrested after a deputy pulled him over on Short Mountain Road because he was driving on the wrong side of the road with his lights off. He did poorly on his sobriety test resulting in him being taken into custody.