It may be quite a while before we know who has actually won the presidential election, but the Republicans carried DeKalb County in the Tennessee General Election on Nov. 3.
A record number of voters turned out for this election locally totaling 8,542 including 4,606 early voters, 511 absentees and 3,425 on Election Day. DeKalb County has 12,509 registered voters.
In the Presidential race, Donald Trump won all 15 precincts and had a majority of the early votes and absentees to defeat Joe Biden in DeKalb County 6,663 (78.32%) to 1,747 (20.54%).
For the United States Senate, Bill Haggerty also carried all 15 precincts and had a majority of the early votes and absentees enroute to a 6,153 (77.93%) to 1,522 (19.28%) win over Marquita Bradshaw
John Rose, 6th District Congressman, carried all 15 precincts and had a majority of the early votes and absentees to defeat Christopher Martin Finley 5,800 (76.84%) to 1,584 (20.99%). A third candidate, Christopher B. Monday had 160 votes (2.12%).
District-wide, Rose won with 257,219 votes (73.69%) to 83,694 (23.98%) for Finley and 8,139 (2.33%) for Monday
Terri Lynn Weaver, 40th District State Representative, won her race in DeKalb County defeating Paddy Sizemore 4,276 (81.15%) to 989 (18.77%). Weaver carried all precincts she represents and had a majority of the early votes and absentees in her race.
District-wide, Weaver won with 25,951 votes (78.80%) to 6,980 (21.20%) for Sizemore.
Clark Boyd, 46th District State Representative, who was unopposed, received 1,449 complimentary votes in DeKalb County.