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Christmas-time is now here
The Amen Corner
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The Smithville Christmas Parade heralded in the Christmas season last Saturday. The Parade was fantastic for our small town. There were floats, Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops, fire engines, firemen marching and several antique cars. Of course, Santa appeared at the end on a fire engine. Lots of candy was thrown to children. We appreciate the Fire Department for sponsoring this event. My nephew Robin Driver loaded up the Driver grandchildren and me, and found a front row parking place for us to view the parade. Also nearby in the crowd was a gentleman with a bulldog dressed in a Santa suit.


Little Keira Driver celebrated her fourth birthday on November 30, at the home of her grandparents Charlote and Laird Barnard. Her aunt Tosha surprised Keira with a tray of cupcakes for all to enjoy.


Most churches are practicing for their Christmas program to be held later this month. Let us know the date of each. Let the shopping begin.

