Hope your Christmas was delightful as you gave praise and honor to Jesus on His birthday. It didn’t take me long as I thought to get into the Christmas spirit, when I got to thinking about how wonderful it is to celebrate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s birthday, December 25, 2016. He’s the One who saved my soul. Jesus should be the most important One in our life. Everything else is way down the ladder in importance. That tree I had put only a few ornaments on a few days before became heavy laden with a ton of decorations that sparkled among the branches. If it had been a ton of decorations I guess you would be wondering how did she get them weighed and wouldn’t the tree have some crashing down with so much weight on those branches? That was only a figure of speech, I was using so the tree is standing proudly and looks pretty good. Happy Birthday Jesus!
When I think of Christmases past I have a smile of love as I remember the faces of those that are not with me now. Whole lot of pomp and circumstances going on in heaven, when a child of God leaves for their eternal home. Angels probably singing at the top of their angelic voices escorting a loved one to their permanent and long-awaited home in glory. Choosing life there instead of death here a very smart thing to do. We are promised this and we couldn’t be given a better deal than that could we? I miss so many loved ones and friends that made the wonderful decision to accept Jesus Christ into their lives knowing that His word is the ONLY true word there is and that what He has promised is a step of faith we gladly take to be one day in the company of Jesus the One who died for you and for me and that forgave you and me of our sins. No greater love will we ever know than that. Going to be something glorious that we’ve never experienced before and so worth walking here in the light of Jesus each and every day.
Be praying for the people in Gatlinburg who have lost loved ones and property, in those wild fires that caused so much devastation, the people in Chattanooga who lost kids in that terrible bus crash, Michael "Moose" Nokes and wife, Becky whose home burned, Charlie Mai Daniel, Carlon and Mai Nell Melton, and Denise Stanton.
If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at (615)-563-4429.
Have a great day!
God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8