Hopefully you got over all the candy you ate at Halloween and are gearing up for turkey day that is just about at your door. Don’t you love Thanksgiving? Me too! Every dish of food must be sampled to make sure it is really good to the palate. That may take a while to get done but somebody has to do that chore. Grueling task but it does have its rewards. After you are stuffed just like that turkey, you can watch those good ole football games on the tele. It is a tradition and quite okay to go back and eat some more food and a dessert or two during halftime. This day comes only once a year and I say make the most of it with family and friends. Just have the Tums close by. You might over indulge and need some relief el pronto.
Baseball World Series champs are the Chicago Cubs. I like both teams but was pulling for the Cubs. The seventh and deciding game was a close one with the score 8 to 7.
We may have some scattered frost on the mountain come the weekend. Colder weather for sure to have us shivering in our boots. For those that are cold-natured like me, the winter season really hurts and as we get older we dread seeing winter even more with each passing year.
Jackie and Ella at Glenda’s (DeKalb Market0 busy as usual on Sunday but both doing well.
Charlie Mai Daniel and Mai Nell Melton at church on Sunday. Always so good to see them.
Loved Ginger Exum’s column last week about never losing your faith in God, because even in my darkest hour of "Aubrey" leaving me, I was still loving God and praising Him for taking care of Aubrey and sparing this man I loved with all my heart any more pain and suffering. Aubrey went home to Jesus with his pride, dignity, and the respect from others for him all intact. That is just how wonderful God is. Someday I’ll be back with "Big John" where I belong. Until then, I will serve God each and every day and tell others about Jesus and how I got to know Him a long time ago. It was the most important decision Aubrey and I ever made in accepting Jesus as our Lord and personal Savior. The only true friend you will ever have is Jesus. He’s always been there for you, too, and He will never forsake you.
Keep in prayer the family of Paul Lester Seal, the family of Jeffrey Lynn Bogle, Carlon Melton, and Denise Stanton.
If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at (615)-563-4429.
Have a great day!
Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew: 28:20