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Community Calendar 10-4
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United Daughters of the Confederacy Meeting Oct 4

The United Daughters of the Confederacy, Captain Sally Tompkins 2123 will have its monthly meeting Wednesday, Oct. 4, at 12 noon in the upper level of the Putnam County Library.  Please contact 931-738-5869 if you have a Confederate ancestor or further questions. 

Senior Citizen’s Indoor Yard Sale and Craft Bazaar

The Senior Citizen’s Center is having an Indoor Yard Sale and Craft Bazaar Thursday, Oct. 5 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the DeKalb County Complex – History Room. Call Tina Myers at 615-215-8867 to reserve a table. Cost is $10 for one table or $15 for two. 

Time and Again Sale Alexandria Square

There will be a Time and Again sale on Oct. 5-6 on the Square in Alexandria. They will have new winter clothes, Halloween costumes, makeup and decorations, new cabinets and lots of other new items. 

DeKalb County Retired Teachers Meeting

There will be a monthly meeting of the DeKalb County retired teachers on Thursday, Oct. 5 at 11 a.m. The meeting will be held at the Webb House Retirement Center. 

Women of Faith Worship Service October 7

There will be a Women of Faith coming together to worship the Lord on Oct. 7 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Allens Chapel Church. Trena Collins will be speaking. Please bring a covered dish as lunch will follow. 

Federal-Mogul Motorparts Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show Oct. 7

There will be a Car, Truck and Motorcycle show Saturday, Oct. 7 on the Square in Smithville. Everyone is invited and there’s no charge to attend. For participants there is a $25 registration fee to compete. There will be concessions vendors, door prizes, family fun and more! Registration is 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. with the judging taking place at 1 p.m. and awards from 2-3 p.m.  The movie “Cars” will be shown at 1 p.m. There will be a cardboard car race for ages 2-9 at 12 noon. Proceeds go to DeKalb County Angel Tree. For more information call Mary Knowles at 615-785-5990 or Tiffany Robinson at 615-464-8433. Registration forms can be picked up from Mayor Jimmy Poss at City Hall or at Mapco, O’Reilly Auto Parts or DeKalb Tire. 

DeKalb Senior Center offers Cooking Class

DeKalb Senior Center and Connie Tjarks will be offering a cooking class for 1 or 2 at 11:00 am on Friday, Oct. 13.  Class size is limited. Sign up early! 

Fall Fest Pageants

The Smithville Business and Professional Women’s club will host their annual fall fest pageants Oct. 21, beginning at 11 a.m. at the DeKalb County Community Center auditorium. Pageants are for girls ages 2 through high school.  Applications are available at DeKalb County local area banks, Creative Styles and the Smithville Review. Deadline to enter is Oct. 14. 

Indian Creek Baptist Church Revival

There will be a revival at the Indian Creek Baptist Church Sunday, Oct. 8 to Oct. 13. Sunday evening time is 6 p.m. and Monday through Friday nightly at 7 p.m.  Brother Bill Robertson will bring the message. Brother Rick Lee is the host pastor. Everyone is welcome.

Fashioned Free Will Baptist Church Ten Commandment Service

There will be a Ten Commandment Service on Saturday, Oct. 7 at the Old Fashion Free Will Baptist Church starting at 5 p.m. Brothers David Lawson, Bobby Thomason, Nathan Thomason, Bobby Lee Hale, Thomas Hale, Shannon Cantrell, Lewis Carrick, Ronnie Smith, Thurman Seber and Jonathan Willoughby will be presiding. 

Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church Fall Bazaar and Yard Sale

The Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church will hold its Fall Bazaar and Yard sale Thursday, Oct. 5 at 201 S College St., Smithville. Thursday & Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Handcrafted items, Holiday Decorations, Baked Goods, Antiques, misc. yard sale items (no clothes). Vendors welcome at a 10% contribution of sales. 

Smithville Church of God’s Twinkle & Twine Marketplace

Saturday, October 7th from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM at the Smithville Church of God Family Life Center, 801 West Broad St. For more info, see the Smithville Church of God website or Facebook page. 

Smithville Church of God invites you to attend a service with Eddie James

The Smithville Church of God will present Eddie James, songwriter and artist on Tuesday, Oct. 17 beginning at 7 p.m. He will bring young people with him who will sing and testify. Everyone is welcome. 

Earn your High School Equivalency Diploma through Free Classes

There are free classes held at the DeKalb County Complex, Room 119 Monday – Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Registration is Monday 3:30 – 7 p.m. and Tuesday 9 a.m. to noon. Don’t see a time that works with your schedule? Ask about special appointments. Call 855-516-0160 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Classes are funded under a grant with the State of Tennessee and the Department of Labor and Workforce Development. 

Charge Wide Revival

The annual Charge-Wide Revival for Dowelltown, Pisgah and Fuller’s Chapel United Methodist Churches will be held Sunday, Sept. 24 through Friday, Sept. 29. It will be hosted by Fuller’s Chapel United Methodist Church located at 2220 Liberty to Dismal Road. Service begins at 7 p.m. each evening. For more information call Reverend Sam Ordung at 615-536-5369. 

Smithville Lions Club Annual Pecan Sale Fundraiser

It’s that time of year and Smithville Lions Club is taking orders for those delicious Mammoth (halves) pecans. A one-pound bag is only $10. To preorder call Wendy Bottomley at 615-390-3567 or the club at 615-4646112 and leave your name and phone number. You can also stop by the offices of Dr. Starla Meigs, Vester Parsley or Jackie Smith (State Farm Insurance). Thank you for supporting the Smithville Lions Club. 

Bring on the Lights

Center Hill Lake Light Fest is back this year and hoping to be bigger and better than last year, but we need your help! Over 800 people drove through the holiday tour of lights at the Retreat at Center Hill Lake in 2016. Lighted decorations adorned all of our buildings and dozens of trees, there were hidden elves to be found, a giant Santa and of course, free hot chocolate for everyone! Please join us this year in creating a wonderland of lights for our community and visitors alike to experience and get in the holiday spirit. Center Hill Lake Light Fest is scheduled to run Thursdays through Sundays, November 30th to December 23rd, 5pm-9pm. Get your office, church, club or group of friends together and sign up to decorate a cabin! We are also looking for participants to perform a live nativity and carolers. There are many ways to participate! We are asking groups to commit by October 20th. For more information or to sign up, please contact Elizabeth Thompson at 615-597-4298 or

Caring Hearts United Christmas at Three Star Mall

Caring Hearts United, a non-profit organization which assists hospice units in Warren and surrounding TN counties, will be hosting their annual fundraiser, Wonderland of Trees, November 11- November 18, 2017 at Three Star Mall in McMinnville, TN.

Fully decorated Christmas trees and wreaths are donated by area businesses and individuals for a silent auction. Live entertainment and children's activities, (requires the purchase of tickets), including a children's coloring contest, is also a part of this event.

Contact information on how to be a part of this wonderful event: Melinda Breedlove 931-212-4471  

McMinnville Alanon Group Meeting

The McMinnville Alanon group meets Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7 at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church, 1024 Faulkner Springs Road, McMinnville. 

DCHS 40-year Reunion for Class of 1977

There will be a 40-year reunion for the DCHS class of 1977 on Friday, Oct. 6, at the DCHS-Smith County game and Saturday, Oct. 7, at the Craft Center. For more information contact Kim Driver Luton at 615-597-5615 or Dewain Hendrixson at Ace Hardware 615-597-4154. Also visit Facebook: DCHS Class of 77 TN or email 

Third-annual Handbags for Hope Saturday, Oct 28, 10:30 a.m.

The third-annual Handbags for Hope is to benefit Genesis House, Inc. of the Upper Cumberland. All proceeds to benefit domestic violence prevention and awareness in the Upper Cumberland. The “grab bag” purse auction and brunch, “buy it now purses” and new surprises will be at Duck Pond Manor, 665 Duck Pond Rd, Sparta. Tickets are $30 each and available on (Genesis House). Like them on Facebook – Genesis House Inc. – for more information and ticket sales. 

Al-Anon Meetings

What can you do when someone close to you drinks too much? You might be surprised at what you can learn in an Al-Anon meeting. Meetings are held at Haven of Hope, 301 West Main Street, Smithville.  On Fridays at 11 a.m. For more information call 615-597-4673. 

Domestic Violence Support Group

A Domestic Violence Support Group is held for women in the community at Haven of Hope in Smithville. For more information, please call 615-597-4673. 

You Can Help

Do you enjoy giving support and being a good listener to those around you? If so, then becoming a Caris Hopsice Volunteer could be for you. Please contact Gail Evans, volunteer coordinator, toll-free at 1-888-537-3430 or visit the website 

DeKalb Animal Coalition

The DeKalb Animal Coalition meets monthly on the first Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the former Senior Citizens room on the second floor of city hall. Everyone is welcome to learn about plans for a facility which will house and treat lost or stray animals to be returned to their owner or available for adoption. 

Smithville Head Start Center

L.B.J. & C. Head Start is currently accepting applications to provide free comprehensive child development services to children three-five years of age from low-income families in a full-day program. Services are also offered to meet the special needs of children with disabilities. L.B.J. & C. Head Start helps all children succeed. L.B.J. & C. Head Start provides children with activities that help them grow mentally, socially, emotionally, and physically.

The L.B.J. & C. Head Start recognizes that, as parents, you are the first and most important teachers of your children. They will welcome your involvement in L.B.J. & C. Head Start activities and will work as partners with you to help your child and family progress. Children who attend L.B.J. & C. Head Start participate in a variety of educational activities, receive free medical and dental care, free healthy meals and snacks, and enjoy playing indoors and outdoors in a safe environment. L.B.J. & C. Head Start staff members will offer your child love, acceptance, understanding, and the opportunity to learn and to experience success. For more information contact the Smithville Head Start Center at 615-597-5168. 

DeKalb County Canning College Course

The course is $25, which covers food and supplies. Same course is offered during day and night to accommodate participants’ schedules. Payment is due at least three days prior to class. The class will be held at the UT Extension Office, 722 South Congress Boulevard, Smithville. A minimum of four students are needed to make each class. Classes will be held in the kitchen at DeKalb County Complex.