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Dry Creek Flashes 10-11
Vegas tragedy hits too close to home
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The Frazier family was saddened to hear about the gunman who killed 58 concertgoers in Las Vegas. We have a daughter and son in law, Peggy and Carroll Ray Thomas, living in Las Vegas. Our family has visited there many times and stood right in the area where the massacre occurred.
It is devastating to think of the evil that comes out in people to do such an act of violence on innocent people. We go to the Bible in times like these and reflect on devastating times then and read about example after example of the Lord taking them through the storms of life. Our prayers go out to the families of the victims, the citizens of Las Vegas, and the law enforcement. 
Undoubtably it will take many man hours and much effort to try to get into the head of this killer. We may never know the why, but hopefully the people of Las Vegas will feel our love and prayer support during the days ahead. 
Please remember our great grandson, Brandon Kent, in your prayers. Brandon has been having some difficulty for several weeks eating. He is seeing doctors at Vanderbilt. We pray complete healing for Brandon, so he can grow up to be a strong young man. 
Antha Keyt visited me last Saturday. It was good to visit with Antha. She lost her son just a few weeks ago.  Continue to remember her in your prayers. 
The family enjoyed a wonderful fourth birthday party for Sawyer Allen Hendrix a few weeks ago.  Jennifer and Jared Hendrix, Sawyer’s parents, hosted this event. The group enjoyed cooking s’mores around a camp fire in the late afternoon. The children had a big time playing together.
Little Greyson Elijah Cripps had his first birthday last Saturday. His parents, Justin and Tiffany Cripps, hosted this event. The group enjoyed food and fellowship. Baby Greyson is our youngest great-grandson. He brightens up the room with his bright eyes and flashing smile. We wish Greyson a wonderful year.
Last week we visited our doctor, Dr. Jack Rhody, for a checkup and flu shot. It was good to see Dr. Rhody and his staff. They are always so cordial and take extra good care of their patients.
Susan Hinton, Linda Parris, and Lisa Cripps enjoyed a trip to McMinnville to attend the Delta Kappa Gamma October meeting. Susan has her granddaughters in town for a few days. We know she enjoys every minute with them. 
We send sympathy out to Joel Dawes, Judy Warren, and Bonnie Rigsby in the death of their loved one.