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Dry Creek Flashes 10-25
Say goodbye to flowers
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Fall is here and the mornings are getting much cooler. It may not be long until the first frost. We hate to see the flowers be put into safe keeping for the winter, but seasons come and go, and before we know it, spring will return.
Happy Birthday wishes go out to grandsons Jeff Fuson and Henry Frazier. Henry celebrated last weekend with a small family gathering at his farm on Dry Creek. 
We welcome Bro. Joel and Diane Wood into our DeKalb County family. They have responded to God’s call to serve at the Elizabeth Chapel Baptist Church. Bro. Joel has already made a visit into our home, and we enjoyed meeting him. May God richly bless as you serve together in our county. 
It is getting close to Halloween. Our church family enjoys their annual hayride and chili supper. Michele and Todd Kent host a big Halloween party for the family, and all the little ones around here get a new costume of their choice to venture out Trick or Treating. We remember taking our youngest daughters, Lisa and Kathy, around here on the Dry Creek Road. They made their costumes out of what we had around the house; it was always fun to watch them. We had to drive from house to house, there just wasn’t the walking door-to-door neighborhoods like the great grandchildren enjoy today. We wish all a safe Halloween.
Last week the Unsung Heroes video from Jamie Dailey and Darren Vincent came out. Thank you for such a brilliant video that puts the true feelings into how we feel about those that serve tirelessly day and night for our wellbeing. It is an emotional video that makes us slow down in our daily lives and remember some person is serving to protect us every minute of our lives. Thank you for developing that video around DeKalb County and our heroes.
Watertown folks had their mile-long yard sale a few weeks ago. One couple we believe who enjoyed this event was Jo Dean Cantrell and husband of Snow Hill. We enjoyed a visit from Joe Dean right before the sale.
Our prayers go out to Suzanne Williams who is recovering from a bad fall.  We pray God’s healing hand on Suzanne. Jerry Foster, teacher and former student, is very sick. Please remember Jerry in your prayers. He has always had a loving heart. Jerry and our daughter, Lisa Cripps, graduated high school together. We are very sad to hear of his illness. Pease keep remembering Nolan Turner and Mrs. Polly. They need our prayer support.
Many times we find ourselves in tears from physical suffering, sadness from parting with loved ones, or even death, but God’s word reminds us that He wipes away all our tears. He has true compassion and knows our every care, even when many are never spoken. The great promise that weeping is just for a time, but joy will return to our lives. This is a great promise from God. 
Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning, (Ps. 30:5).