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Dry Creek Flashes 10-4
Whooo doesn't like owls?
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We get a magazine called Birds and Blooms. This month was all about the behavior and structure of owls.  In one of our bedrooms there is an old home interior picture of two owls perched on a limb, and on the dresser there is a ceramic owl. 
The owl is a nocturnal creature, so we don’t often get to actually see them to admire their true beauty.  When the sun goes down these mysterious birds continue to keep a low profile. They have so many wonderful features: keen eyes that are rather large and close together for binocular-like vision, ears that go unnoticed hidden on their head, talons for capturing their prey that dies from suffocation, wings with soft edges for silent flight, but the most amazing feature is their ability to turn their head 270 degrees.
It looks a little weird, but amazing to observe. They have 14 neck vertebrae, twice as many as humans, which allows them this unique ability. Owls swallow their prey whole and regurgitate the indigestible bones, fur or feathers. There are several species of owls, but living on a farm all our lives, we have mostly seen barn owls. The next time you visit a zoo or wildlife area check out the beauty and wonder of these animals because the likelihood of seeing one in the wild is pretty slim. 
We had a nice visit from our neighbor Jeanette France, and Bro. Donald Owen visited on Wednesday.   Lisa Cripps and I enjoyed an outing to Kilgore’s restaurant last Friday night, and Kathy Hendrix took me to the dentist on Monday. It was good to venture out of the house.  We are hoping to make one more visit to the apple orchard before apple season is over. 
One of Lisa’s dear class of 1976 high school friends is really sick and needs everyone’s prayers. Kim Hale Robbins, daughter of Ms. Henrietta Hale, had a bad blood disease strike her, and she is unable to walk.  She has been transferred to Sparta for physical therapy. She was always the sweetest young lady. We pray complete healing for Kim. 
Pray that all this division and anger in our county has healing, and that we all do our part to work together, love each other, and lead by example regardless of our differences. This week let us all try to be a positive example to others. 
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5  How do you stay connected to Jesus? Reading God’s Word each day strengthens your commitment to Him. Time in prayer keeps our attention on the Lord. Listening to worship music and taking time to serve others are ways we can stay committed to God.  You are always welcome to attend the Dry Creek Baptist Church.