Monday, April 21 was a beautiful day to work outside. At the Frazier’s residence it was a morning of planting flowers, pansies, and snapdragons. Two long trays of multi-colored flowers and purple petunias.
Farmers are turning and planting their vegetable gardens. It was known in past years that Good Friday was the day to plant green beans.
We miss a garden at our house. It is always good to have fresh vegetables.
We have several families who still have gardens in the valley. Rob and Nora Harvey, Anthony Wright, Jeanette France, Roscoe and Pauline Frazier, and many in the hollows.
Mr. Greg Thweatt of San Diego, California, and Mr. Kenny Edge spent an enjoyable day Saturday visiting Kenny’s brother, Mr.Ted Edge at Ardmore. They enjoyed exploring some beautiful country.
Those having Easter dinner at the home of Louise Frazier were Greg Thweatt, Kenny Edge, Jared and Jennifer Hendrix, and Sawyer, Jordon and Nicole Cripps and Christian, Jim and Judy Kimbrell, David and Monica Reynolds, Levi and Molly, Alexandria, Roger and Kathy Hendrix, and Justin and Tiffany Cripps.
Mrs. Inez Farler of Snow Hill visited Louise Frazier Saturday. She brought Louise a beautiful pot of red geraniums from OES No. 488. We enjoyed her visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Kimbrell were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Danny Agee in the Blue Springs community Friday evening.
Jimmy Womack has spent several weeks doing spring cleaning at his farm here in the valley. Everything looks better with the fence rows cleaned out and a new coat of white paint wherever it was needed from the house and outside buildings to his well-kept barn with the big red bull, we guess a hereford bull, which has been painted on the roof of the barn next to the road for many, many years, maybe when Jimmy’s daddy, the late W.O. Womack, was living.
The bull, along with the rest of the barn, got a new coat of paint.
We appreciate the interest Jimmy has shown in doing repairs, painting, etc, to his homeplace, where he was born and lived until he married Becky and moved to Smithville.
The Frazier farm is across the Dry Creek stream, and the Womack’s were our closest neighbors, we must say good neighbors. We miss them at church, and in the community. Orien Womack was a deacon and Pauline played the piano at Dry Creek Baptist. Jimmy attends and is a member.
Mrs. Willete Scott who has been living at her home in Alexandria for many years, but is now not able to live alone in her condition. Her daughter, Mrs. Marlene Prichard of Alexandria, has been so good to help and assist her mother so that she could live at her home.
Will there be any stars in our crowns in our heavenly home?
If so, and we truly believe that those who help others will be blessed with extra stars in her crown for the loving care shown to her mother.
Our prayers, love, and best wishes go to Mrs. willete Scott as she moves to a new location, NHC in Smithville. May God’s love and mercy care for this dear lady as long as she may live.
Our community extends sincere sympathy to the family of Liz Antoniak of the Snow Hill community in the death of her mother in New York.
Liz flew to New York to attend her funeral and burial. May God comfort this family.
Senior adults of Dry Creek Baptist Church enjoyed an outing on April 17 to historic Bell Buckel. The group enjoyed a delicious dinner at the City Cafe and did some shopping at the old stores in Bell Buckle in the afternoon.
There was good attendance at Dry Creek Baptist Church on Easter Sunday. Bro. Donald Owens delivered a spiritual sermon which was fitting for this special day.
Bro. Owens and his family had easter dinner at the home of Mrs. Shirley Parker in Smithville.
Look ahead events:
Always Sunday school at 10 a.m.; Sunday worship at 11 a.m.; evening fellowship service at 4:45 p.m.; and evening worship at 5:15 p.m.
June 5,7- VBS
June 29- Homecoming at Dry Creek Baptist Church, celebrating 125 years.
June 29-July 3 - Centrifuge for the youth at Ridgecrest North Carolina. Please see Chip and Tracy Sparkman for details and to sign up.
July 1, seniors to Amish country.
July 16, patriotic service, special music.
July 13-16, revival at Dry Creek Baptist Church.
Bro. Donald Owens invites everyone to come attend all these services. Former members and special friends make plans to attend Homecoming.
Dry Creek Flashes
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