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Dry Creek Flashes
Blessed with abundant crops
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Steve and Judy Beard of St. Joseph visited Jim and Judy Kimbrell Saturday.
It seems as gardeners have had an abundant crop of green beans this year. Many homemakers are busy canning green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers and ambrosia corn.
Three-day bread and butter and icycle are some of the best pickles made from cucumbers. You need the large cucumbers for icycle pickles. They are delicious.
A bird rarely ever seen in the Dry Creek Valley is the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, however, we did see on the petunia blossoms last week. It was a beautiful little bird with a red throat then colors of white, green, and greyish black wing feather. It was here for only one day.
We have many of the small grey hummingbird all summer. They came very early this year.
Two people on our sick list this week are seriously ill and need our prayers, Bro. W.L. Baker of Lebanon and Charles Keller of Wilson County.
They have called Hospice to come help with Charles. He is the widower of the late Dean Cripps Kellar, a native of the Dry Creek Valley. Please remember these people when you pray.
Others that are sick or shut-in are Bobby and Mary Joines, Peggy Pursell, Linda Fuston, Vena Fuston, Tanner Malone, Glen Faircloth, Jimmy Midgett, Audrey Owens, Georgia Hawker, Carroll Thomas and Peggy, James Keyt, Harold Elrod, Elene Ray, Sarah Walker, Phillip Clayton, Harry Poss, Louise Frazier, Charles Jones, Helen Keith, Pam Vannatta, Mary Snow, Craolyn Agee, Edsel Frazier, Jim Cripps, Charles Brighman Ayers, Joe Ayers and all who need our prayers and concerns.
Today has been a most beautiful day Thursday. Parents and some grandparents are out shopping for clothes and school needs. We believe that they weretax free last weekend.
Several people have birthdays in August. Jared Hendrix was born Aug. 1. We all remember that date. His sister Michele Kent of Lascasses was born Aug. 8. Others are Faye Elrod, Aug. 2; Linda Franklin, Aug. 5; Misty Agee, Aug. 6; Amanda Wilkerson Aug. 8; Linda Bush, Aug. 12; Dylan Speck, Aug. 13; Linda Fuston, Aug. 14; Krystal Bush, Aug. 21; Caderice Reynolds, Aug. 23; Lakelyn Nelson, Aug. 24; Tom Snow, Aug. 27; and Mary Ann Stone, Aug. 29.
Helen Burt is doing fine, but still taking therapy. Glad to hear she is better.
Georgia Hawker is slowly improving after being in the hospital at Lebanon and Summitt Hospital. Her son, Randy Hawker is taking good care of his mother. Our prayers, love and best wishes go to Georgia.
Bro. Don Owens visited his sister Georgia Hawker Wednesday.
After summer outing and events, Dry Creek Baptist Church wants to have an increase in Sunday school, so on Aug. 4 the church is having their own “Back to Sunday School” at Dry Creek Baptist. There will be church recognition; wouldn’t it be nice to have a perfect Sunday school attendance? We know a few who would have a perfect attendance if it weren’t for vacations. Be sure to attend.
Sunday school is at 10 a.m. and choir music and worship is at 11. If you have never heard Bro. Donald Owens, who has been in God’s ministry for over 60 years, we invite you to Dry Creek Baptist Church. You can’t miss Dry Creek Baptist, because it is the most beautiful country church in the valley about three miles off Highway 70 and Bro. Donald Owens can preach. Please attend!