Happy 92nd birthday wishes go out to Edward and Edsel Frazier of Smithville. These twin brothers have been celebrating for weeks. Some of the celebrations included their favorite fish place with some family and friends, Patty’s in Smithville where Terry Bulger from Channel Four did an interview with the birthday fellows that aired that afternoon, and continued with Dry Creek Baptist Church last Wednesday night. We are happy for them and hope they continue to enjoy their birthday all month. The Fraziers stopped by to see me last week. We always enjoy their visits.
The gardens need to be turned but the weather is just not going to cooperate. Jared Hendrix is the only one we know of that has gotten his turned. We think he found a two-day span one week between the rains. Spring, where are you?
Please continue to remember the following: Denise Rutland (recovering from heart surgery), JoAnn Pitman, Jerry Foster, Kim Hale-Robbins, and Jimmy Kimbrell. Many people have lost dear loved ones last week that seemed so young. We pray for these families. There is a great reunion day for Christian people.
Twice, God called Jonah to go to Nineveh to preach repentance to the Assyrian city. Jonah refused. Jonah, a preacher, lacked true concern, love and mercy for these wicked people. To him their actions deserved destruction. You know the story, he finally did go preach and the people repented. It is hard for us to want God to be merciful to a child molester or a terrorist etc. They seem most underserving of God’s grace. Jesus died for all. Pray repentance and forgiveness for our nation’s people. We have strayed so far from Jesus’ example of love and mercy. Find a church to worship and serve God. We live in troubled times. We need to turn back.
Jonah1: 1 The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: 2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.”