On March 30 Donald Owens was born. He was saved during a Dry Creek Baptist church service in 1942. Bro. Grady Craddock was bringing the message. Bro. Donald was ordained in October of 1947 at the age of 14 and actually had preached at Dry Creek Baptist earlier that day.
Bro. Clay Boss was the pastor. He served many years pastoring at the Immanuel Baptist Church in Lebanon, but in January of 2000 he returned to his roots in DeKalb County to be the full time pastor at the Dry Creek Baptist Church. We want to wish Bro. Donald a happy birthday. He and his dear wife, Mrs. Audrey Owen, are a blessing to our community and the Dry Creek Baptist Church family. We pray God continues to use him in a mighty way to save the lost and spread the work of Christ.
Happy birthday wishes go out to our dear neighbor and friend Jeanette France who recently celebrated her birthday. Jennifer Hendrix has also celebrated a birthday. We love Jennifer and pray the Lord keep and strengthen her.
If any of you are struggling with doubts or despair in your life, spend time reading Psalms 13, 22, 42, 69 and 99. May the Lord strengthen you and keep you. Please remember the following: JoAnn Pitman, Jimmy Kimbrell, Jerry Foster, Kim Hale-Robbins, Denise Rutland, and Katherine Newby. We pray for the Kyle Hill family in their time of sorrow.