I hope everyone had a wonderful week. School is back up in full swing. Football games are starting up. Here in DeKalb County you can always find a football game to attend. Go out and watch the Tigers, Saints or DeKalb Jr. Pro. Well, the Tigers had a big win against Warren County! Congratulations to the DCHS Tigers.
The weather is starting to change. Most people don’t like fall but, I really enjoy the fall. Nice cooler weather, the change of color on the leaves. A lot of people like to go to the Smoky Mountains for the fall. I have went a time or two. But I have to say if you drive around DeKalb County in the hills and valleys and around the lake you will see beautiful color on the trees also. We have beautiful scenery here if we just take time to see it.
New Home Baptist Church young adults gathered together for a night of bowling. I hear they had a wonderful time. Also I hear the person to beat is Billy Tiner. Now if you are going for skill anyone such as Ciara Hale who can bowl while holding her three year old on her hip and bowl and knock down nine pins is pretty good by me. I am very proud of these young adults.
I have a busy week ahead of me as I help with the wedding of my son, Hayden and Katie Roehner.
We are blessed to have Katie join our family. I am excited.
I hope everyone has a blessed week. Enjoy your love one and the people around you.
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen Matthew 28:20