Yes, it’s that wonderful time of year to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birthday once again. Heaven is lit up and all aglow for its king with splendor we just can’t imagine. Someday won’t it be wonderful to be joining in on that celebration the likes of which this world has not a clue as to how to describe the magnificence of its beauty? Do you ever just get carried away in your thoughts about heaven as to how it will be there and how will you feel finally being in the presence of Jesus and most assuredly bowing down at His feet? I do wonder what all will be going on there as you know our life here will pale in comparison to living in our heavenly kingdom. A difference of night and day we will be experiencing living in heaven from what we have known here on earth. May all of you have a beautiful Christmas with your family and friends and honor Jesus on His birthday above anything or anyone, because He truly does love you and He is the greatest gift you will ever receive. What a sad Christmas for so many families here lately having to endure losing loved ones with Christmas so close.
Uplift in prayers: the people in Gatlinburg, the people in Chattanooga, Michael "Moose" Nokes and wife Becky, those people in houses and mobile house that burned. Some tragedies in TV they were telling about tonight could possibly be prevented by smoke detectors, by blowing out candles, keeping heaters away from curtains and comforters. I would add before you go to bed "double" check heaters and how close they are to materials that could ignite while you are sleeping. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. A human life is so precious and cannot be replaced.
Please keep in prayer: Carlon and Mai Nell Melton, Charlie Mai Daniel, and Denise Stanton.
If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at (615)-563-4429.
Have a great day!
It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32