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I survived the holiday
The Amen Corner
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Hope you survived the holidays! Why does man make this time of the year so stressful?


This is the first time in my adult years that I didn't put up a tree or any decorations. Why? (1)First I didn't have enough free time and (2) I had no plans to host anything at my house. So…


I can remember my grandmother saying "I'll be glad when Christmas is over."


She was a seamstress and usually made everyone something. I thought that was such a cruel statement. I can now understand her statement.


I went to town the other day, the day after Christmas. Everything was closed. The only moving thing I saw was Dr. David Darrah jogging around town. I pulled up beside him and hollered to him, that I admired his jogging. He just smiled back!


After so much rain, the weather did turn warm which made travelling easier.


Our family had their traditional Christmas. We gathered at my sister and brother-in-law's house on Christmas Day. The grandchildren were excited over their stuffed stockings; then we gathered later for lunch. After that, it was a lot of excitement as we opened our gifts. Those present were: Robin & Kristy Driver, Ashton Campbell, Derek Driver and his four children (Kiana, Taylan, Robert and Keira.) and of course, me. It seems that when the patriarch or matriarch dies, most traditions get altered.


Meanwhile, on Christmas Eve, Thomas Nixon Bush and Bill Bush and their families visited their mother, Sherry Bush. A special treat were her granddaughters, Haley and Allie Bush who brought joy to all.


Visiting their grandparents, Bryan and Kathe Nelson were Donna Coggins and Emma Taylor from Charlotte, No. Carolina.


Neal, Briley and Breanna from Murfreesboro came to celebrate Christmas with their father and grandfather, Spencer Iverlitt.


Dining with Miranda and Jamie Waggoner were Shelly and Jonathan Womack from Warren County, Sarah and Anthony Cross from Crossville, and Sherian Waggoner and Sherry and Bobby Maxwell, all from Smithville. The Waggoners also visited the McFarlands in Brownsville and the Howards in Crossville.


On Christmas Day, Becky Davis drove to Smyrna to visit her younger daughter, Sally and her family. A special guest was their 94 year old great grandmother (G.G). The families enjoyed "Dirty Santa". good food. fun and fellowship


Chris and Cynthia Vernon, Beatrice and Lucie from Franklin visited their parents, Glen and Mary Lynn Page,during the weekend.


Dallas and Lillie Johnson visited Faith, Rob Owenlin Maryville last weekend. They also drove to Smyrna to visit with Linda Alexander and family and Sandy Johnson on Christmas Eve. They visited Candy Vaughnand Alan Qualls in Franklin. Good times were had by all!


The weather was nice enough for these folk to travel to visit loved ones.


Jim Sherwood will be awarded the honor of Eagle Scout at the First Methodist on Jan. 3. The ceremony is at 3 p.m.with a reception to follow.


Get-well wishes to T.M.Hooper.


It's not too late to send in your Christmas activities this week for next week's issue.


Thought of the Week: Enjoy each day and look forward to the next one with a smile!