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Makenzie would like Nike outfit and shoes
DeKalb West School - Mrs.West ~ 1st Grade


Dear Santa,


I am a good girl most of the time. THis Christmas list is Shopkins, Barbies, MonsterHigh, and Frozen Barbirs. Love


Kawasi Troyer


Dear Santa,


I want a football and some high top Converse. I also would like a new tablet and a new basket ball goal. Thanks for everything Santa. Love


Devin Neal


Dear Santa,


I want a bike, some dresses, some toys to play with, some new shoes to run in. A newcup to drink in, a new doll to play with, new head phones, and more new stuff. Love


Rylie Anne Stout




Dear Santa,


I want an Alebeth American Girl doll. Please!


Love Lucy Moore


Dear Santa,


Shopkins are one thing I would like this Christmas. I also want a make-up set and some Pokemon cards, a pottery cool studio, a poppit starter kit, a pompom wow decoration and a trolls boombox and also a blck baby alive. I have helped out mom a lot this year you ae really good. I love you




Dear Santa,


I want a blue case for my Ipad. And a go-cart please. Also aglow in the dark tracks if you can. Thank you


Jace P.


Dear Santa,


I have been good today, and I have been good all year, too! Will you please bring me the Ultraman Family, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Lair, and the Thomas and Friends Minis Collectors case? Oh, and some new Minis, too! I am excited to see you! Happy Christmas! Love


Max Hendrixson


Dear Santa,


Can I please have a dollhouse with hard dolls and 8 red snke’s and a real phone, real tablet and a stuffed rudolph and four color books, markers and craones. Love






Dear Santa,


I have been very good. I would like a Barbie camper, trolls, stuffed animals. My doll stroller, a Nike outfit, more Nike shoes that are any color, just pretty. I would like a puppy in a box and the puppy some cloths. I’ll leave you some cookies and milk, Thank you Santa.




Dear Santa,


I want a mini my life doll, pokemon cards, mini my life doll, mushroom chiar, mini my life doll dog stroller, Jack and Annie books, mini my life doll sofa, chiars, coloring book, baby doll, football, mini my life doll car, stick dog book. Love




Dear Santa,


I’ve been waiting for a long time to write you this letter. Mom and Dad says that I’ve been good really this year well mostly. I’ve even eaten some of my vegetables! I’ve also been doing good in school and learning a lot this year. I’d really like it if you could bring me these things: a scooter, My life doll, and books. I know this time a year your really busy, so I would understand if you can’t get everything on my list. I love you Santa! I hope you have good and safe Christmas!


Your Friend Bella


P.S. Please tell Rudolph and Frosty that I love their songs.


Dear Santa,


I want a toy chain saw and a mega nerf death machine with extra bulletes. I have been a good boy. Love




Dear Santa,


I want a batman robot wiht the new batman house and bad guys. I want a pirate ship, a crocodile. I want a dinosaur withj the bad guy and good guy . I want a new movie with Scooby Doo and John Cena. Love


Jackson Lattimore


Dear Santa,


I would like to have a Paw Patrol toys and I would like to have Paw Patrol cars. I would also like to have some Sponge Bob toys and Hotwheels and I would like to have a toblit. Love




Dear Santa,


I have been a good boy this year! I fell and broke my arm and I got a red cast just for Christmas. i would like a chalkboard, a skate board Mikey, a electric skooter, and a big pack of penciels. I would also like another ninja turtle castle. I cant wait for Rusty this year and to see if he brings friends for my sister and brother. I will leave you milk and cookies and the reindeer some carrets. Love


Layne Hale