I could never understand why my mother had so much trouble understanding what the real problem was when I had trouble with my ugly sisters. Yes Mama… I did step on her fingers when she was climbing up in the barn loft just as she reached the top rung. And yes she did fall out backward, and yes she did thump the ground pretty hard, and yes she did cry a right smart. But she was still able to walk when she got her breath back and stood up...
But I had to do it because she was threatening to pull all my hair out and smack my face.
No, Mama I hadn't done one thing to cause her to act that way, cept maybe whack her with a wet corn cob I picked up out of the edge of a cow pile...
She had some kind of screaming fit and chased me all over the barn lot, calling me bad names. Fact is if you want my opinion, she needs her mouth washed out with soap.
If I hadn't made it to the barn loft just in time she would have caught me for sure, and like I said, she was threatening to do bad things to me...
Like always I was the one who got in trouble over that little incident. Mama just never did catch on how sneaky and mean those girls were. I was really a sweet little child, but somehow things just seemed to happen to me a lot. Mama, did you see her make that face at me just then?
My sisters turned out OK despite my concerns for their ability to function like normal people when they grew into adulthood. Hey, she deserved what she got later for being such a tattle tale.
Aren't you glad God gives us better than we deserve? I sure am. Maybe I wasn't quite as good a child as I claim at times...
Truth is I am nothing more or less than a sinner that got saved. Thank you Jesus