Every now and again we all need a little help. One person who helps me by cleaning my house also helps animals. Shandi Sandlin has been a name I have known since she was born. And I have had the pleasure of hearing stories of dogs being starved or abused, or abandoned, then Shandi getting them, helping them recover, and finally getting them a home and family.
She says she always needs foster homes to take care of the animals for a short time, until they are adopted. She also relies on donations of dog food and supplies, and sponsors to help cover vet care. I wanted to help Shandi by putting her name in my column, and hopefully some of you will want to help her help the animals. She says she may be contacted by phone at 615-714-9585, or on her name can be found on Facebook.
Kimberly Violet celebrated a birthday on March 14 with her family, Mark Violet, Spencer Stanfield, Hunter, Nicole, Ryder, Cooper, and Tucker Stanfield. I hope for her many more birthdays.
Bro. David Mahan preached at New Home Baptist Church on Sunday morning and night. We were glad to have him.
Mabel Pack attended Jimmy Ferrell’s funeral Saturday evening. She went with Carlon and Jeanette Mabe to High Funeral Home in McMinnville. He was buried in Bonham Cemetery in DeKalb County.
Sympathy is extended to the family of Melvin Reeder in his passing.
Mary McKenzie and Barbara Burton visited Barbara Self.
Get-well wishes to Athelene Page. She has been a patient at DeKalb Community Hospital.
There was a good turnout for the book signing of Tommie Reynolds with Ralph Vaughn as host. Tommie had a lot of friends there to see him and his wife.
Ralph and Randy Vaughn met at Cracker Barrel Restaurant Sunday morning in Murfreesboro for breakfast and to visit.
I got a call from my cousin Verna Miller of Michigan. Her brother Dallas Keith is still with her she is doing very well. She still can’t get around good. She has a lot of friends and relatives around her.