The first of last week was two beautiful days. The clear sky, the wind blowing and the sunshine. I sat outside most of the day just enjoying the weather and the view. The rains are coming back in now though because of the bad weather Florida, Georgia and Alabama is getting from Hurricane Michael. I hope everyone will be safe.
Now the cooler weather is here. It was in the 50’s driving to work. Not complaining, I am ready for the cooler weather. This is boot wearing weather, I just don’t want it to be rain boots. Which reminds me, I need a new pair of rain boots.
If you really like chili then here is your chance to taste some of the best in DeKalb County. Habitat for Humanity of DeKalb County hosts its 15th annual Chili Cook-off and Bake Sale on October 26.
Chili will be served from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the DeKalb Courthouse Lawn. In case of bad weather, the event will be moved to the DeKalb County Complex. For a cash donation, eat all the chili you want and vote for your favorite chili and the best decorated booth. You be the judge. A limited supply of pottery bowls will be available for $20. Delicious baked goods prepared by members of local churches will also be for sale. Take out is also available.
I have always want to take this afternoon excursion on a pontoon boat cruising beautiful Center Hill Lake. October, the water reflecting the blue of the sky, and trees ablaze with color along the banks. This is the idyllic scenario that has inspired the Annual Fall Color Cruise sponsored by the Friends of Edgar Evins State Park, and park employees for 16 years. No one can guarantee perfect weather every year but we can anticipate everyone having a good time!
This will be the 16th year of this popular annual event on Saturday, Oct. 27 from 1 p.m. to about 4 p.m. Seats are $15 per person. Sorry, no children under age 3 are allowed for safety reasons. Report to the marina dock at 1 p.m. to check in prior to boarding the boats.
If you need help you may call the park office ( 931) 858-2114 or toll free at 800-250-8619 for contact information for Fount Bertram, President of Friends of Edgar Evins State Park.
New Home Missionary Baptist Church will be having a Ten Commandment service on Nov. 3 starting at 5 p.m. everyone is invited to attend.
Please remember the following in prayer: Kenneth and Lucy Young, Kimberly Violet, Joe Young, Brenda Bates.
If you have news for the column call 615-597-5485.
For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.