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New Home News - Hot day at Boutique Madness
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Saturday started out a crisp cool day for Boutique Madness at NHC in Smithville. Boutique Madness was organized by NHC staff to raise money for Alzheimer Foundation. All monies collected went to Alzheimer Foundation. All the staff that worked to get this event going were volunteers. Many different vendors participated to name a few, Paparazzi, Tupperware, Mary Kay, Princess House, DoTerra, Perfectly Posh, and Rodan and Fields. There were other handmade gifts you could buy. The food was amazing, they had smoked barbecue baked potato, barbecue nachos, and hotdogs, cakes, pies, cookies and sweet tea.

The only thing that hindered the day was the scorching heat. But that did not stop the shoppers. It was a great day. I personally would like to thank the staff at NHC for organizing and holding this event for a good cause. I will be back next year.

I see the leaves are starting to fall off the trees. Fall is here so get ready for the corn mazes, pumpkin patches and all the beautiful mums. Oh, don’t forget the hay rides and the bon fires.

Hillary Gould and her three children, Mark, Caleb, and Sarah came to her parents’ home, Kenneth and Peggy Cantrell. She came to stay with them awhile, Hillary and her family live in Beaufort, North Carolina and was in the path of Hurricane Florence. I believe her husband, Mark is at their home now and I don’t know for sure how much damage their home received. I ask for prayers for this family and all the families affected by this disaster. Hillary and her children will be traveling back home. I pray for her family to have a safe trip.

Get well wishes and prayers for Kenneth and Lucy Young, Kimberly Violet, Joe Young, and Brenda Bates.

Prayers to the family of Linda Kilgore. Linda has been a longtime member at New Home Baptist, and she will be missed. We will see her again in Heaven someday.

If you have news for the column call 615-597-5485.

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. Matthew 5:45