I hope everyone is enjoying the cooler weather, I think it will be here for a while. The sunshine and the clear blue skies are a nice thing to see along with the crisp air. I hope the weather remains this way. Speaking of weather, Ms. Loyce Holcomb called the Review to remind us that 25 years ago on Halloween it snowed. I did not doubt her memory but I looked it up in the old newspaper and sure enough on the front page of the November 3, 1993 there is a pumpkin and snow all around it on top of a car. A big thanks to Ms. Loyce for reminding me of this and call anytime with more information.
The trees are changing colors now, and some of them are so beautiful, on the way to work I say the most beautiful tree covered in all red leaves. I just love the beautiful scenery, and the sunrises, sunsets, and the blue skies God gives us all.
On Saturday, November 3, New Home Missionary Baptist Church will be having a Ten Commandment service. It begins at 5 p.m. and everyone is invited.
I hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween.
Please remember the following in prayer: Kenneth and Lucy Young, Kimberly Violet, Joe Young.
If you have news for the column call 615-597-5485.