New Home News
Barbara Ann Ervin
Remember the nursery rhyme, Rain rain go away come again another day. Well, that is what I am thinking. Tennessee has had rain some snow and earthquakes the weather is so unpredictable. I know it will snow soon, it always snows on my buttercups. My buttercups are about 4 inches high so it is going to snow soon. It always snows on my buttercups while they are blooming also.
I enjoyed the snow growing up especially if it would snow enough to cancel school. A bunch of my brother’s friends would get together and go sledding down Indian Creek Road. Of course I tagged along thinking this will be fun. I got on that sled and someone else got on with me to steer since I was new at this, we went down that big hill took curves I saw fences, ditches and just knew I would be in one. But I was okay, and was ready to go again but not alone. The guys would come down in four wheelers and pull us back up. As the years went on I finally went down by myself and survived. I have had some great childhood memories with my family and friends.
Please remember in prayers: Mrs. Louise Frazier’s family, Mr. Mike Alexander’s family, and the soldiers and their families, and the lost.
If you have news for the column call 615-597-5485.