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New Home News - Wedding bells ringing for Orchards
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Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Orchard, nee Elisha Anderson. They had a beautiful wedding ceremony at New Home Missionary Baptist Church on Oct. 6, 2018. Of course the bride was beautiful and everyone was overwhelmed with joy for this beautiful couple. I wish you both a life of happiness and may God continue to bless you both.

This weather this past week is like summer is back. The cooler weather is coming. Leaves are starting to fall. Time for me to go pick up some mums, pumpkins, and little gourds.  I may have to get some hay from my neighbor, Richard Close to finish my fall decorating.

I happen to read the "That New Guy’" column in reference to my quote where I told him he was from here. We the people in DeKalb County are pleasant, kind, caring, and know most everyone or know someone they are kin too. It is not hard to build a friendship here most people take kindly to you as long as you do the same. We have crime, and drugs just like any other county. But it is rare to go somewhere that you do not see a kind face. I love DeKalb County and cannot imagine living anywhere else. So, Duane Sherrill, you have been around our fine county for seven months. You are a part of DeKalb County.

You cannot turn on the television without hearing about a shooting or a child missing or has been abducted. It is so sad and scary at the same time to go anywhere. You have to watch and look around to see if someone is looking at you or your child. It wasn’t like that when I was growing up. We played outside all over the neighborhood. We knew right from wrong. I think children have lost the fear in their parents and God. Trouble to some is nothing, go to jail stay there a while and get out in no time. Keep them in there. They need God in their lives, you may think you are okay today but, one day you will face judgement in front of the Lord and there will be no talking your way out where the unsaved’ s jail time is eternity in Hell.

Please remember the following in prayer: Linda Kilgore Armour family, the Doyle Smith family, the Corley family, Kenneth and Lucy Young, Kimberly Violet, Joe Young, Brenda Bates.

If you have news for the column call 615-597-5485.

And saying. The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. Mark 1:15