The Short Mountain community is saddened by the passing of Mr. Robert Goundry, 87. Please keep the Goundry family in your prayers at this difficult time.
Pastor Chris Moore’s sermon on Sunday: “Following Jesus”. Dedicating our life to Jesuis is an easy thing to do if we truly want to serve Him as our Lord and personal Savior. He should be the most important One in your life. Listening to others around you will so often lead you astray so keep yourself focused on Jesus. He’ll never let you down or walk away from you, but will stay by your side to get you through any trial you’re going through.
We have some people who need our prayers: Houston and Martha Parker, Bill Nokes, Fay Pitts, Alene Ferrell, Carlon and Mai Nell Melton, Charlie Mai Daniel and the family of Loretta M. Warren.
Guess there’s quite a few logs/sticks being put on the fire in trying to stay warm with this frigid weather that is back. It has quite a grip on us and isn’t going anywhere anytime soon according to the weather people. We have some snow showers this Saturday morning with the temperatures in the twenties,. I’ve had enough winter weather already and am so looking forward to springtime and then the good ole summer with its warmer temps. The groundhog will probably see his shadow next month and that would mean six more weeks of winter. If somebody could just kidnap that groundhog, we could have an earlier arrival of spring weather and that would just suit me fine. A lot of tradition and fanfare going on with this event, so they probably have an extra groundhog if anything happened to the first one. Oh well, it was just a thought.
If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at 615-63-4429.
Have a great day!
The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart – 1 Samuel 16:7