Watching “In the Heat of the Night” last night. Two teenage boys had been caught in the act using a baseball bat to destroy mail boxes. Chief Gillespie (Carroll O’Connor) asking them why they had been doing that? The reply from one was he saw it on the TV or a video and it looked like fun. Destroying people’s property didn’t bother him – just getting caught at it did.
Ideas put in our young vulnerable minds evident even back in the nineties. What’s being put in the teenagers minds today is so much more deplorable beyond any logic to humanity. They are so easily swept up by the videos, misuse of cellphones and by television shows that promote killing people. Being taken down the wrong path of no respect for anyone they are certainly headed for destruction.
I’m sure, you like me, were outraged once again to the massacre of high school students at a Kentucky school recently. You can deny it to the high heavens with me but “locking” God out of the school system has backfired big time. Are people that wanted God out happy now for all the carnage that has gone on since so-called “smart people” go their way while we did nothing to stop them? The blood is on their hands as far as I’m concerned because they made it possible. Will it take some of their kids dying like these other innocent ones before they acknowledge their wrong doing and get the message?
Preserving the family unit is scriptural and God should be the One you should be looking up to and let Him lead, guide and direct your path. Only God can straighten out the mess we’re in now if we’ll get back on track with Him by humbling ourselves before Him and asking for forgiveness. This same old, same old straddling the fence just for the record to anyone reading this will not wash with God. Dabbling in the sin of the world during this week – and puttin’ on your Sunday best attire to show up for church not going to hack it. You had better know you are doomed for all of eternity and missing the grandeur of heaven will definitely be your fate if the sin of this world you do not turn your back on.
Please keep in prayer: the family of Houston Parker, Bill Nokes, the family of Mr. Robert Goundry, Alene Ferrell, Bernie Braswell, Carlon and Mai Nell Melton and Charlie Mai Daniel.
If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at 615-563-4429.
Have a great day!
A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. – Proverbs 22:1