Back on May 7, 2014 in the Review I wrote about how amazing to me the people that the Lord puts in your life over the years who play such an important role in you accepting Jesus as your personal Savior.
In looking back there were several I can think of, but two people stand out that helped Aubrey and I the most. They were Odell Waggoner and Sue Cripps Kelly.
Many a time Odell and Sue stopped in to visit with us. We were always glad they did.
On one occasion, they came by as Aubrey and I were eating supper. I think it was Sue who said the food sure smelled good, so I said there was extra food on the stove and got plates so they could eat too.
Even though they knew we weren’t Christians, they never judged us but only showed us the love of Jesus by simply loving us.
Seeds were planted all those years ago for Aubrey and I to be added to the Lord’s kingdom years later because of these two gracious Christian ladies that loved the Lord and were doing what they were called to do.
I remember when Aubrey’s mom Mildred was in the funeral home, Odell asking me in the kitchen there as tears were streaming down my face did I want a glass of lemonade or did I want a drink of the water of life? I said I want Jesus and it was like the ground shook under me as waves of water cane up through my feet and down through my head and they each met and went out at my chest. All my burdens were lifted and the peace I felt inside was overwhelming.
It was the happiest moment of my life. I don’t know what happened to the glass of lemonade but that was just fine, as I got what I really needed, “Jesus”!
Sue Cripps Kelly passes away Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017. Odell passed away several years ago. A loving tribute to Sue and also to Odell I wanted to convey. We can all travel that narrow road that leads to victory in Jesus by accepting Him, God’s Son as our personal Savior. That is what Sue and Odell did for so many years and now they are being rewarded in heaven and can you imagine the celebration that is taking place?
If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at 615-563-4429.
Have a great day!
The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him. – Psalm 145:18