Well, fall is really here and super cool temps we are having to contend with along with it. Quite okay with me as I was ready for some cooler weather, weren’t you? Drag out those warmer clothes, sweaters, scarves and the boots to keep yourselves warm. Certainly is a splendid time of the year to enjoy cookouts, hayrides and being together with those you love to spend time with on these fall days. This is also a time to reflect on nature’s beauty with its autumn display of magnificent colors of leaves on those trees and thank God for all He gives us to enjoy and be blessed with. Everything good comes from God.
Sermon last Sunday “The Walking Dead”, no I’m not talking about the television show. Pastor Chris Moore “hitting a home run” as you, like me, I’m sure have noticed how many people are walking around it seems in a daze not like they are living a prosperous and productive life. It’s more like they are lost and without a purpose. Only way to have a purpose is to have Jesus as the One that leads you in this life here. He is the only real thing in this world and He doesn’t leave you when the going gets tough as your friends would do. He gets down in the trenches and sees you through any trial you are facing. Your family and friends that are around you love you, sure, but their love for you can’t begin to compare on any level to Jesus’s love for you. Just think, after all, it was Jesus that bled and died on the cross and took all the mocking and the beatings for you and me to show us a love that none of us can explain. No deeper or truer love in this world than that of Jesus. We are all given the opportunity to accept Him or shun Him at the Judgement. I want to bow down at His feet and only praise Him. How about you? Only He can turn your life around for the good and He only wants the very best for you. Just ask Him to forgive you of all your sins and if you are sincere, you’ll know (trust me) you’ve been forgiven as there is such as marvelous and happy feeling that comes over you and you are a new creature in Christ Jesus. Eternity (that’s never ending) with Jesus awaits for all that believe and keep his commandments.
Please keep the following people in your prayers: The family Nolan Turner, the family of James Hancock, the family of Robert Bogle, Bill Nokes, Denise Stanton, Alene Ferrell, Houston and Martha Parker, Talmage and Bobbie Young, Carlon and Mai Nell Melton, Charles Mai Daniel, the family of Doris Beshearse, the family of Sue Cripps Kelly and Suzanne Williams.
If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at 615-563-4429.
Have a great day!
The Lord shall guide thee continually. – Isaiah 58:11