On and off rain showers with some embedded heavier pockets of rain falling on this Tuesday night on the mountain. Hard to believe it’s in the mid-fifties for the lows tonight December 19. Winter officially starts on Thursday, December 21. Much colder air coming in over the weekend.
School kids and teachers too now out of Christmas break. Let the fun begin as kids will be wanting it to come a big snow for Christmas so they can have a ball playing in it building snowmen, sledding or throwing snowballs at each other. Way back in the day when I was at home didn’t do the sledding but sure had some fun with working on a snowman and always having a whole lot of fun throwing those snowballs at my siblings. Now those were the days of carefree fun and an innocence of a better time than it is now in my opinion.
Sermon preached by Pastor Chris Moore on Sunday that should make us all stop, pause and think about the way we are living our lives each day. The message: “What will you be found doing when Jesus comes again?” That should be an easy answer for those that have accepted Jesus as their Lord. We need to make sure each day to thank Him for letting us still be around to be His servant and tell others about Jesus and where we will go when we die here. Heaven is a place that will be so wonderful that it can’t be described. All I know is I want to be in the presence of Jesus there for all of eternity.
Why do people claim to be Christians when by their dress attire, what comes out of their mouth and by their actions you know otherwise? Being modest/decent in what you wear tells so much about a person especially women. Today I am so embarrassed in every direction by the women that put themselves out there as not having any respect for themselves by displaying their bodies in an ungodly manner. To be blunt just keep your body covered up. Your self-esteem for yourself will show through to others and you will certainly garner respect from all those around you wherever you may be. Feeling good about yourself and your appearance is a big plus. You’ll be even prettier and really confident when out and about and people will notice and may just change their manner of dress too.
If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at 615-563-4429.
Have a great day!
Rejoice evermore, Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:16,17