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News from the Mountain 2_14
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The Short Mountain community is deeply saddened by the passing of Houston Parker, 70. Houston passed away Friday, January 26, at his residence after battling cancer for some thirteen months. He made the most important decision a person can make in this life when he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior some time ago. Houston is just fine now and is completely well and enjoying being in the presence of Jesus where he’ll live for all of eternity. So grand is heaven that we can’t possibly describe it. It’s real with untold beauty for all of us that believe. So real it is as the gentle raindrops falling after a brief shower on a hot summer day with so many birds singing and happy for the rain water to drink from the puddles in the long lane up to a gated fence.

So peaceful everywhere you look and marvel at God’s splendid and perfect creations for you and me to enjoy. This here to us feels so good at times it’s like heavenly bliss – but the real heaven we’ll be living in someday will surpass our grandest thoughts of we think it will be like being there. God is perfect so it will all be perfect there. I would encourage everyone to make plans to not miss out on the only sure thing in this life and that is to accept Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, as your Lord and Personal Savior. The peace and happiness of being forgiven of your sins changes your whole countenance of life. You will see things in such a different light and you will want to tell others about Jesus.

Please keep in your prayers: the family of Houston Parker, Bill Nokes, Alene Ferrell, Carlon and Mai Nell Melton, the family of Loretta Warren, Charlie Mai Daniel and the family of Mr. Robert Goundry.

If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at 615-563-4429.

Have a great day!


For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers. – 1 Peter 3:12