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News from the Mountain 5-14-2018
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It’s a beautiful Friday morning with only a small chance of scattered thunderstorms today. Highs will be in the eighties and that will be delightful for us that love the great outdoors. There’s always work to be done with outside projects this time of the year with finally some pleasant weather conditions. Sometimes I call ore place the plantation as it’s a work in progress to get things looking just a little bit better as each day of work around here ends.


 I thank God for everything I get accomplished because I know without Him I could not get anything done. He blesses us all so we need to acknowledge the One that we can always count on in any situation that confronts us. In my life I cannot count the times He has come to my rescue to get me through a bad time when I saw no hope in sight. When I would just let of of my problem and turn it over to the Lord. He never let me down and n His time an answer would come to my predicament.  The key is being patient while He’s solving our problem. Just wait on the Lord. He’s sort of like the cavalry and is on His way to help us, if we’ll give Him the opportunity. We must have it “ALL” when we have Jesus as there is no truer friend you can ever have than Him.


Please keep in prayer: the family of Carlon Melton, Bill Nokes, Edna Hooper, Charlie Mai Daniel, Alene Ferrell, Bernie Braswell, and Donna Lawson.


If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at 615-563-4429.


Have a great day!


The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. Psalms 103:8