Hi and hope all of you are doing okay and got to be in the Lord’s house this past Sunday.
Super good church service with Pastor Chris Moore preaching “God on Trial”. Really not God but rather us in are we doing what God wants us to do for Him while we are here? Every day we could be witnessing to others in telling them about Jesus. Time is wasted while souls are going to Hell because we fail to tell the message of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice he made there on the cross to save you and me from our sins. We don’t seem to appreciate how Jesus forgave us of our sins and just go about our daily living squandering the many opportunities that come our way of witnessing to those that are lost in this world.
It’s Jesus we should be concentrating on. He’s the only One that truly loves us. Ask Jesus to make a way for you to tell someone about Him. He will open that door and make it so easy in any conversation for you to tell how you accepted Jesus and how your life was changed for the better when you did. There is an enemy out there that is hoping to destroy you and your family. He hates you and doesn’t want you to witness about Jesus to anyone, but he also knows he is doomed but he won’t go down without trying to get your soul. You have a Savior in Jesus Christ that loves you and only wants the best for you and your life here. Jesus also wants you to be in heaven with Him. The enemy can’t win the battle in trying to get you because you have a God that is all supreme and mighty and only He will take care of the enemy once and for all when He’s ready.
Some people we need to keep in prayer: Denise Stanton, Houston and Martha Parker, Bill Nokes, Talmage and Bobbie Young, Nolan Turner, the family of Larry Millilgan (the son of Brown and Alma Milligan), the family of Ron Pedigo, the family of Doris Beshearse, Carlon and Mai Nell Melton (So great that Carlon was able to be in church Sunday) and Donna Lawson.
If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at 615-563-4429.
Have a great day!
If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be. – John 12:26