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News from the Mountain - Honor God every day
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Daylight Savings time ends Sunday, November 4. Just when we finally get used to it, it changes again. I’m for it just staying the same year round. Guess my vote on that won’t count.

Our vote on Election Day Tuesday, Nov. 6 will count. It is so important for us to be involved in the election process and vote on the candidate that represents our values and our beliefs. Always pray for God’s guidance in the choice of candidates running for office. Our country needs God fearing people to be elected that will listen to God and thus do what is best for our communities, states, and the country in general. Let’s face it, our country needs help in so many areas. I have found standing firm on God’s word and not giving ground to the enemy, you will come out a winner every time because God is always working behind the scenes to get any difficultly in your life worked out, if you will just give the problem to Him and let go of it. Took me a while to figure out He doesn’t need my help as He can fix any problem and in a way I could never have thought of. Yes, He’s just that good and quite magnificent in everything He does.

Pastor Chris Moore’s sermon on honoring God each and every day is something that all of us should be doing. We and our loved ones have all been blessed in so many different ways by the Lord, because He loves us so. The only true friend you will ever have in this life is Jesus. The best time to ask Him for forgiveness of your sins is right now as Jesus just waiting with open arms to forgive you. When you do, you will not be the same person you once were. You will be bubbling over with those heavy burdens you’ve been carrying around it seems forever being lifted off of you, such peace inside, and the happiness of accepting Jesus that you just have to tell everybody around you how He has saved your soul. After you have accepted Jesus, you know that, when you die here you’ll live again thee in heaven in the presence of Jesus for eternity. Nothing here can compare with what Jesus can give you. A mansion being prepared in heaven for you and streets of gold you’ll be walking down and seeing your loved ones that had accepted Jesus and went on to heaven before you. Truly it can’t get any better than that.

If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at 615-563-4429.
Have a great day!
Seek ye, first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.   

Matthew 6:33