Monday, January 20th, and the temperature is at zero. We've got
two more days of this dreadful and dangerous weather to put up with.
Tuesday morning it was eight degrees and Wednesday morning was even
colder. This up-and-down pattern with the weather is like a roller
coaster. I think we need a break, don't you? Somewhat warmer weather
to arrive on Thursday and Friday. Talked with Russell Taylor on
Monday evening. He has wood heat and is fine and dandy. When I was
growing up the wood heat at our homeplace would warm us through and
through. Burley Bogle burns wood, too. Someone told me that a rick
of wood is up to $100. Everything else is costing us more out of our
pockets these days so we shouldn't be surprised with the price of wood
getting higher.
Friends stopping by this week were Connie Cantrell, Rick Hubler,
Russell Taylor, Rex Pedigo, Brooklyn Pedigo and daughter Aubrey.
We have some people that are in need of prayer: Dustin Johnson,
Mary Melton, Diane Evans, Rose Watts, Walter and Faye Ferrell, the
people of Israel and Ukraine, and the leaders of our country.
Wanted to let you know of some upcoming February birthdays:
Abbie Meyncke 1st, John Michael Pitts 5th, Kellie Rowland 5th,
Chandler Johnson 7th (our grandson), Kristie Johnson 11th (our
daughter), Walter Ferrell 12th, Ann Webb 13th, Jared Fults 15th,
Hunter Underwood 16th, Betty Barnes 22nd, Sandra Hopper 22nd, and John
Caldwell 25th. Rick and Beverly Hubler will be having their 38th
wedding anniversary on February 14th (Valentine's Day). Also, Michael
and Donna Prater will be celebrating their 47th wedding anniversary on
February 25th. Congratulations to all of you!
Chatted with Ann Warren on Tuesday night. So glad she and her
family are well. The same can be said of Ruth Brown and her family.
Gracie Bratcher and Mai Nell Melton are both doing fine. Betty Sue
Hullett, "Aubrey's" sister in Indiana, is o.k., also.
Another school shooting today in Nashville at Antioch High
School. Two dead including the shooter. Two others were hurt and
taken to Vanderbilt Hospital. Will there ever be a time that these
school shootings will stop happening? Kids are at school to get an
education. They shouldn't have to worry about someone entering the
school and maybe killing them. In our society today killing people is
glamorized by movies our young people are watching, and, in my
opinion, some will be motivated to carry out what they have seen
because, in their minds, they think it is cool. Nothing cool about
killing is a cowardly act. I can remember going to
grammar school at Short Mountain. So innocent were those "better
days" when you could walk into the school, sometimes with the doors
wide open especially in the summertime. You usually saw other parents
there picking up their kids. Such a different and carefree
environment back then. No worry about a shooting was on anyone's
mind. Schools now, even with all the safety measures put in place to
prevent someone from getting in, are not fool proof. I do believe a
lot of this goes back to how kids are brought up. Parents need to
teach their kids right from wrong, reverence to God in all things, and
respect for others and their property. That is their duty in raising
their children.
Have a great day!
Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour,
and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Revelation
Parents need to teach their kids right from wrong