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Remembering Christmas as a child
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At my age, I thank the Lord every day for my memory. My son and daughter-in-law, Ralph and June Vaughn, say that I probably remember every day of my life. Well, that is not true, but I like to hang onto the memories of being a little girl, a young adult and over the years. There were good times and there were some not so good.


My roommate at NHC, Elaise Estes, and I were talking during Christmas about how it was back when we were small. She is a few years younger than me. Our Christmas mornings were similar.


At our house, we children could hardly wait to see what Santa brought us. Daddy got up early and built a fire in the fireplace. When the room was warm, my brother, W.B., my sister, Ruby, and I would jump out of bed and head straight to the kitchen table. That was where our Christmas gifts would be.


Sure enough, we could expect to find an apple, an orange and a stick of peppermint candy. Some years, there might be a small box of stick candy. I remember that we three children would eat the candy before breakfast not wanting a bite to go to waste. With three children, candy would never go to waste.


Elaise said her Christmas mornings were about the same. We both can hardly believe how much children get today for Christmas. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cubbins, who lived on Dry Creek probably had more than my family, but Christmas was just as exciting.


Of course I also remember the Christmas time when Ralph was small. My husband, J.D., would usually buy a stalk of bananas at Christmas. I guess that is why Ralph likes bananas so much today. We could not afford them regularly back then; only at Christmas.


My younger brother and sister, Mac and Joann Ervin, and Ralph went to Cross Roads School. Ralph came home from school one day after Christmas and told me that some of his friends asked him what he got for Christmas. He did not want to admit that his Christmas was a shirt and a handkerchief, so he said that he got "clothes" for Christmas.


Oh well, life is good and Christmas time is good. As a person gets older, it is not about the gifts but about the time spent with family and friends. I appreciate the friends here at NHC and the wonderful staff that takes care of us. I think they are God’s angels.


My neighbor and longtime friend, Clara May Hawkins, celebrated her 94th birthday here at NHC with her children and grandchildren. Clara May and her family are very close to me.


Mary Jane Johnson celebrated Christmas with her family on December 19th at Elizabeth Chapel Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. They enjoyed breakfast and a good time together. Mary Jane and I sit at the same table for our regular meals at NHC.


I want to wish a Happy New Year to all the folks who read my article weekly. Also, I want to send best wishes to Billy and Linda Sutton along with Brooks, Janna, Adeline and Brooks Smith, Jr. for the beautiful Christmas cards I received. The Smith family sent a card with a photo of them.


Other Christmas cards came to me from Werdna Moss, Sue Arnold, Diane Evans, Linda Kilgore Armour, Helen Cantrell, Edward and Judith Webb, Loyce Holcomb, Royce Odom, Flora Mae Adcock, Loyd and Judy Cantrell, Tim and Ronda Young, and from Banks Cumberland Presbyterian Church.


May the Lord continue to bless everyone.