The spotlight last week honoring our Veterans on November 11, First Methodist honored their veterans last Sunday during the worship service. A video was shown depicting these veterans associated with First Methodist Church. They were: Tom Hill, Richard Judkins, Larry Tatum, Laird Barnard, Waniford Cantrell, Doyle Smith, Dallas Johnson, Holly Forkner Jr., Spencer Iverlett, Joe Payne III, Bryan Nelson, Joey Phillips and Cleo McDonald. This is also a special day for me as my husband was a veteran and it is our anniversary. I worked for the state a day off and we thought it was a good reason to choose this date.
Bertha McBride was honored on her 88 birthday on Sunday, November 6. She and her family celebrated with lunch at the Olive Garden in Cookeville. Those present were: Walteen Parker, Joe and Cindy Parker, Jama Martin, John Roberts, Jasmine Parker, Martha and Laura Martin, and Aalya Martin, Xavier Parker and John Parker and Lisa.
Sympathy to the family of Genieve Billings Vickers, her funeral was held on November 9.
Belated birthday wishes to the Womack twins, Royce Odom and Loyce Holcomb. They were my high school friends at DCHS and still are. Other November birthday peple are: Donna Copeland, Taylor Arledge, Vickie Burton, Stephen Elliott, LeeAnn Judkins, Anderson Webb, Jim Judkins, Hannah James, Gina Tatum, Ellie Briggs, Kathryn Blair, and Keira Driver. Anniversary wishes to Joe and Sue Driver, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ward and Jason and Cece Parsley.
Local Girls Scout Troop #3094 celbrated last weekend with a Turkey Trot at Green Brook Park. On Sunday they journeyed to Tennessee Tech in Cookeville to work on crafts. Those attending were; Kiana Driver, Kayla Hale, Carol Ann and Joycee Daley. Troop leaders are Tonya Hale, Kayla Hale and Jada Shinkle.
Stop & Think: What are you thankful for? Most of us should have a long list.